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Do you like Swaziland ? You can publish your opinion here (great places, people...) :

brittany (swaziland) - 04/03/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it as a project in Ms. Alexanders class for social studies. Also my teacher said that you might want to do a small country because it would be easier for you to do! So, I took her opinion and done Swaziland. The best contry. My boyfriend is taking a challenge and he is doing the country Niger. (of corse, he never takes the teachers advice). Well now you know why I just like Swaziland so much! :D :) :I :O
Brittany (Swaziland) - 04/03/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it as a project in Ms. Alexanders class for social studies. Also my teacher said that you might want to do a small country because it would be easier for you to do! So, I took her opinion and done Swaziland. The best contry. My boyfriend is taking a challenge and he is doing the country Niger. (of corse, he never takes the teachers advice). Well now you know why I just like Swaziland so much! P.S Ireally need a different boyfriend!!!!
Brittany (Swaziland) - 04/03/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it as a project in Ms. Alexanders class for social studies. Also my teacher said that you might want to do a small country because it would be easier for you to do! So, I took her opinion and done Swaziland. The best contry. My boyfriend is taking a challenge and he is doing the country Niger. (of corse, he never takes the teachers advice). Well now you know why I just like Swaziland so much! P.S I really need a different boyfriend!!!!
() - 04/03/2004 :
() - 04/03/2004 :
Brittany (Swaziland) - 04/03/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it as a project in Ms. Alexanders class for social studies. Also my teacher said that you might want to do a small country because it would be easier for you to do! So, I took her opinion and done Swaziland. The best contry. My boyfriend is taking a challenge and he is doing the country Niger. (of corse, he never takes the teachers advice). Well now you know why I just like Swaziland so much! P.S I really need a different boyfriend!!!!
Brittany (Swaziland) - 04/03/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it as a project in Ms. Alexanders class for social studies. Also my teacher said that you might want to do a small country because it would be easier for you to do! So, I took her opinion and done Swaziland. The best contry. My boyfriend is taking a challenge and he is doing the country Niger. (of corse, he never takes the teachers advice). Well now you know why I just like Swaziland so much! P.S I really need a different boyfriend!!!!
Zack (Niger) - 04/03/2004 : What I like about Niger is that it is big and I took a challenge from my teacher Ms. Alexander! I chose a big country like she told me NOT to. Now you know why I like Niger so much. P.S. Brittany is my girlfriend and she chose Swaziland.
eric (swaziland) - 14/03/2004 : i like swaziland because it is a really fun place to do a prodject on and i also like it's flag. That's y i like swaziland so much
Melissa (Swaziland) - 21/03/2004 : I like Swaziland a lot. The only problem is is that I can't find any information about it.
Rebecca (Maryland) - 27/04/2004 : You need to put things in about their foods!!
() - 30/10/2004 :
Chelsea (Swaziland) - 04/11/2004 : What I like so much about Swaziland is that I am doing it for an African country brochure in Mr. Pawley's 7th grade class in social studies. Also, my teacher said it might be easier finding information on a smaller country, and I like the name Swaziland. My boyfriend is doing South Africa because he thinks that it would be easier.Oh please!!! Now you know why I chose Swaziland. P.S. I really need a new boyfriend. And I am not Brittany's friend!!!
Susan (USA) - 24/02/2005 : Need to put in things about thier foods and wild life !!
Madison (USA) - 27/02/2005 : Need info. on traditions,wildlife, and pictures of what Swaziland looks like!!

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