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modify delete 18845 - from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-10
Philosophy : "A new philosophy"

Hello Nicolas and everybody. It's a long time that I think that a universal new philosophy would bring little by little peace in the world. I think that many wars are their origines
in false knowledge of first aims of religions that for all al them want to bring love and peace. I think many errors of interpretation exist. I am Christian catholic and I respect every religion as long as their pilgrims and beleivers are not intolerant. I have decided to create here in tbe forum some principes of a new philosophy (that will not be a sect and would give a knew universal knowledge taking the good ideas I have , tolerance everywhere with some little warnings. how to find love with power of candles 'accepted by the lords of karma who exists in the after life. Of course everything will be free. And the knoledge will be proposed only. The knew spirituality fir Peace and love found. Now that I feel quite completely all right with the presence of Vladimir, I feel ok for creating this philosophy, and to reply to everybody.

Nicolas, do you accept ?


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modify delete 18869 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-02

Merci pour tes messages positifs, Régine, c'est très gentil de ta part.
Et si on continuait cette conversation par mail, ce serait peut-être mieux ? Je crois que tu connais mon adresse mail ?

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modify delete 18868 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-02

Nicolas, as-tu perdu récemment un membre de ta famille ? Si c'est le cas je te présente toutes mes condoléances. Peux-tu me parler de cette personne, je vais essayer d'entrer en contact avec elle.

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modify delete 18867 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-02

A bright little light ran to you. I think it's a woman or a young girl, I don't know exactly because visions are often a bit confused. It's a person very close to you, who's in the protection of God.

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modify delete 18866 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-02

A new message from above. They do all the activites and job they want. After I had a furtive vision, a supermarket and one of them guards. I made a protection.
I had the feeling that someone does the job of worker, and is much helped by God.

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modify delete 18865 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-01

Nicolas, I think you are blessed. I have felt the presence of an ancester of you, It's a woman, maybe your grandmother. I felt she is happy, overall to have the possibility to communicate to you via my power. She appeared me as a little light. I also had, several seconds ago, the presence of a man of your familly , maybe your grandfather, who has receved a blue light in his mind. If you want I will give you some news every day, and of course it is FREE.

Now I go to Vladimir. Her mother contacted me some days ago.

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modify delete 18864 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-01

It must be an amazing experience to be able to get information from people in heaven, really. When you loose a member of your family, you need to know if he/she is fine, and if everything is all right in his/her new life. I would be so happy if one day I could also get contacts from this world...

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modify delete 18863 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-01

The lord of karma tested my sincerity I succeded and Father Eternal put in my soul the deep feeling that Vladimir is mine forever.

You have created this site, and thanks to you most people would have access to this philosophy. I think You will have a benediciton sooner or later.

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modify delete 18862 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-01

THE MOST IMPORTANT that I saw in a mirror a blue light in a cave. With an intense was the presence of Virgin Mary and I sometimes feel the prfesence of Eternal Father who encourages me. U heard him saying me about universe creation "un travail acharné" (a very strong work) I saw as well a yellow light with the voice of a very kind lady who is an
eternal goddess. It's all of them, with the lord (s) of karma, and the entities who told me the knowledge, and my own ideas. Oh, I just saw an entity (in a small golden light). I did not told about all of them in my last message because I thouth you would not have beleived me.

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modify delete 18861 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-02-01

My First contacts with the after life are the members of my fammilly and some friends. Then, entities from above spoke to me and each time I feel either lignts with a soul sending me a knowledge, and I feel the presence of a lord of karma who told me that Vladimir is mine for eternety. He told me I have a mission o, Earth, spreading the knowledge and helping people.

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modify delete 18860 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-31

I guess in the after life, rules are not the same as our actual society. So everything will be possible. Who is your contact ? Did he tell anything about him/her ?

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modify delete 18859 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-31

After life said me too that there are several kinds of merit, not only the ones I talked about. For instance, having saved the life of someone, beeing very gererous, giving plenty good advices of beauty to other women.

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modify delete 18858 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-31

If my Vladimir went with someone else sometimes only and I discovered that she is a very king woma who would never want him to leave me and would accept much more time for me with Vladimir I wouldn't say no. I think it's the reason why I have an incredible luck with him

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modify delete 18857 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-31

When I said "alternance" I mean that some people are in love with several persons and have them (and there is an alternance of preference. A man loves his wife and his lover, a woman loves her husband and her lover, and this must be approved because the lover never avoids his her love to leave the wife or the husband (for most of the time). With my telepathy i have contacts with the after life and what I said in this message comes from above. It is ALWAYS A MATTER OF MERIT (OF THE HEART FIRST). But of course it's the law of the jungle when people don't share, and I agree with that.

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modify delete 18856 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-28

Nicolas, ah ah ah !!!

I think people are attracted, first, by the beauty, and often forget to see the inner one. It's an mistake. I also think that a man (and a woman) loves his (her) wife (or husband) and loves his (her) second lover. Is there a preference ? I think so, but sometimes there is an ALTERNANCE and so it is maybe a solution when it is has been decided by the karma rulers and God.

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modify delete 18855 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-23

I think you mean : 5 women for 4 men ?
If there were really 5 women for 1 man, I would not stay single for a long time :-)

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modify delete 18854 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France (Alpes du Sud) - 2024-01-22

About violent men I think that women only see good things of the past, see only the face.
On earth there are 5 women for 1 man. either it would explain the polygamy existing in islam, judaism or orthodox christianity... or it's possible that men who have a lover or lovers have that destiny as well as their women. I think people who hide their "polygamy"does that because they don't want to lose all their loves. When their wife discovers, they will have to make a choice, as I told this before. According to me, a true and deep love will always stay.And sometimes a "no" is not definitive, i am against polygamy. There is one love for meritant people and we love a man or a woman in a type of man or woman. Please don't lie.

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modify delete 18853 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-19

Well, finding love is supposed to be the best thing that can happen in your life, but in most cases, as time passes progressively, this great feeling will turn into a boring routine... Maybe because men and women have a very different mind ?
About criminals now : I totally agree with you, but I noticed something totally illogical : I really do not understand why so many women are attracted by matchist and violent men ?
I will never be able to understand these crazy women.

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modify delete 18851 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-19

Hello Nicolas, I think think you are enrerely right about love it's true that people who have no merit (criminals, profitors, robers, dishonest people won't find love. I had precided in my message that lords of karma (Saturn rulers) decide of our iives and we all have to face this cosmic coutt and good people will find someone ore will be kept by their love even if they have a lover. They see usually it's a true love when the person make a choice or when, after a fault or a separation, comes back; even after a long time of separation. AS far as i am concerned I cried during years but I have found my true love. Vladimir is sometimes attracted by other women but always comes back to me when i tell him that i will take a lover !!! and he cries. So, It's an evidence that he's mine.

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modify delete 18850 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-14

About love, however :
I think some people are not destined de find love.
Well, I think nobody can stay alone 100% of time, and that everyone is destined to share any kinds of projects with some people. But not necessarily sharing love, get married and having kids. We are all so different...

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modify delete 18849 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-13

Oh, you are talking about so many subjects ; you should write a book or why not a blog ?

I think the most part of your ideas will be approved by most people. Your advices should be turned into laws :-)

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modify delete 18848 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (Ftance) - 2024-01-12

Hello Nicolas, what is your opinion about my text ?

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modify delete 18847 - Reply from Régine , 57 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-11

Of coursr. I gonna write very long messages here in the forum it will be all the knowledge
I have and all my good wadvices for a better life with the secret of rituals of good and white magic to try to find love. It"s usually the lords of karma who decide love for everybody.

Here starts the new philosophy, that I call "The power of wishdom "

It's a complete philosophy for maybe a good life plenty of happyness and a good afterlife, accorded or not according to the MERIT of eceryone.

First of all, quite everybody who is sincere, kind and meritant is destined to find love.
you must know that for people, for most of them, face is the most important after the soul
That's why they must be irresistible. It's the karma that decides the face people have. But, exists as well the possibility to change when they are not a beauty. For example, beard for men short or long hair, charm, and for women make up, hair, charm, beautifull clothes I think the best charms come from smile and eyes. Diplomas, sincerity and work are important. When they are in love with womeone married, or who is with somebody, it's not a ploblem, because nothing says that this person is not made for the new pretendant. To have the first place, seduction by the ways I have told can maybe work. Of course the married man or woman has, too, the absolute right to defend his or her place. BUTsometimes after a long separation, ancient loves are back. When a couple (married or not) live a great and deep love, it's OFTEN a sign that the places are taken. To try to keep someone or to get someone, a red candle surrounded by four golden candles put at the 4 cardinal points can be lighted with a prayer at the cosmic Court where stand the lords of the karma
who had chosen your life, a Tribunal that people did never know its exisrence. after the ritual, made in full moon time, people will, sooner or later, have a reply by a meeting for instance. If you cannot make the ritual,make it with your imagination. The law of free concurrence is extremely important. To people having lost someoone, don't Worry, things will change, either with this person if he or her is destined, or with another one. Please don't commit suicide.I believe in the deep monogamy, and married people who have a lover must not lie. A choice has to be made.

A good way of life (according to me) is based on wishdom. They can drink, BUT WITH MODERATION and don't drive. They cannot smoke much, because of the cancer and the problems at the heart. I suggest to people to keep calm and not to bed agressive because they would be bound to jail (and jail is terrible). If you win enough money you could make a good action by sending a small part of your wage. Men I suggest you to help your woman at the homework according your daily planning and your woman's one.

I don't have an oppinion about abortion. I think there is a destiny for the baby and the parents, and a child must be wanted. I think pregnant women who want an anestesia during
confinement have to make a scandal to obtain what they want when the doctors disagree.

I suggest people to help a poor familly in quart or third world.

And I say to pupils or teenagers to have diplomas to obtain, in the future, an employ and money. Many sectors lack workers and employees. Teatchers, Police, bars, restaurants, administration, and so on.

God has created the universe, a goddess life. By the way of electromagnetism that exists everywhere in space and on planets. Comets hide ADN.

Don't kill, except for self defense if your life is in danger and if there is no other solution. But warning, in France the law accepts only if the weapons are the same !!!

Don"t walk alone in the streets by night, you could be agressed.


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modify delete 18846 - Reply from Nicolas , 59 y.o. (France) - 2024-01-10

Hello Régine,
well, I think all new ideas that can bring happiness and help people to live in a better world, will be welcome... provided your advices are simple, can be understood and accepted by anyone.
Yes, in the past, there were so many examples of good minded actions, philosophies or just ideas that turned to disasters JUST because of misunderstandings !
So what about sharing your ideal philosophy with everyone here ?

Forum about Debates - Philosophy - (c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World
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