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modify delete 131436 - from Manisha252 (India) - 2023-12-12
Middle school - "Penpals"

This is Manisha Joshi here from Finland International school, Mumbai India. I am a social studies teacher and teaching world history to my students.
My students would like to be pen pals with students and they can write emails to your students. We can also exchange culture books from India.
It would be a great cultural exchange and a learning experience .

Let me know if your students would be interested.
Thanks and regards
Manisha Joshi

email: jmanisha366@gmail.com
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modify delete 130855 - from Kiady34 (India) - 2023-05-29
Primary school - "Séjour linguistique en Février"


Je m'appelle Kiady. Je suis professeur de FLE en Inde. Mes élèves font un programme d'immersion en francais depuis leur CE2. Etant en CM2 cette année, ils arrivent à la fin de leur parcours, je voudrais donc organiser un sejour linguistique en FRANCE dans une école française. Voici les details:
* Date envisagée : fevrier 2024
* Quelle ecole/organisme: partout en France
* Nombre de personnes : 12 élèves de CM2 âgés de 11 et 12 ans + 5 enseignants
* Objectif: Ameliorer leur français tout en ayant une vue de la culture française (en vrai! Enfin!)
*Hébergement : si possible, en famille d'accueil: un étudiant à moi ira dans la famille d'un de vos élèves
* Activités possibles: le matin cours de francais et l'apres midi visite/atelier/ activités dans la ville ...

Pensez-vous que ce serait intéressant et possible ?

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modify delete 130854 - from Kiady34 (India) - 2023-05-29
Middle school - "Séjour linguistique en Février"


Je m'appelle Kiady. Je suis professeur de FLE en Inde. Mes élèves font un programme d'immersion en francais depuis leur CE2. Etant en CM2 cette année, ils arrivent à la fin de leur parcours, je voudrais donc organiser un sejour linguistique en FRANCE dans une école française. Voici les details:
* Date envisagée : fevrier 2024
* Quelle ecole/organisme: partout en France
* Nombre de personnes : 12 élèves de CM2 âgés de 11 et 12 ans + 5 enseignants
* Objectif: Ameliorer leur français tout en ayant une vue de la culture française (en vrai! Enfin!)
*Hébergement : si possible, en famille d'accueil: un étudiant à moi ira dans la famille d'un de vos élèves
* Activités possibles: le matin cours de francais et l'apres midi visite/atelier/ activités dans la ville ...

Pensez-vous que ce serait intéressant et possible ?

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modify delete 130026 - from Kiady Laure70 (India) - 2022-06-25
Primary school - "Echanger avec l'Inde"


On a commencé notre année scolaire ce mois de juin...Et je voudrais faire échanger mes élèves de CM1 (9-10 ans) et de CM2 (10-11ans) avec des étudiants européens (de préférence en France) pour cette année. Ils apprennent le français grâce à notre programme d'immersion. Ils seront ravis de recevoir des nouvelles de la France que ce soit par vidéo, par lettre et pourquoi pas s'envoyer quelques colis (une fois?)

On commencera par parler de nos 3 premiers mois pour notre rentrée et vous commencerez par nous parler de vos 3 mois de vacances ?

Echange de cultures assurée!!

voici mon mail: kiadyramonjy@gmail.com
Le nom de mon école: TGES school, Rajkot, Inde

A très vite

Kiady Laure
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modify delete 129765 - from Kiady205 (India) - 2022-01-17
Middle school - "Projet présentation du pays en classe virtuelle"

Je suis professeur de français en Inde (actuellement, nous travaillons en ligne, cause COVID).
Je suis à la recherche de PLUSIEURS classes (de plusieurs pays si possible) pour un projet de fin d'année (Le projet doit être finalisé et présenté avant le début du mois de mars, car notre année scolaire se termine fin avril).
Je m'explique:
Présenter le pays (localisation, la vie, la culture, économie, tourisme, etc.) en ligne (faire une classe virtuelle). Les étudiants présenteront eux-mêmes leur Power Point et expliqueront à toute l'audience les points mentionnés ci dessus ou plus.
Je serai ravie de donner plus d'infos à ceux qui sont intéressés. QUe vous venez de la France, des DROMS ou de l'Afrique, on vous attend !
Voici mon mail kiadyramonjy@gmail.com
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modify delete 125471 - from Kiady131 (India) - 2019-03-14
Primary school - "Recherche d'écoles françaises pour echanger lettres et/ou vidéos"


Je suis professeur de français dans une école internationale en Inde (TGES, Wadi school). Notre année scolaire commence en juin et se termine fin avril.
Je voudrais faire un échange de lettres et/ou de vidéos avec une classe française à partir de septembre 2019.
Je tiens une classe de CE1 (8-9ans), une classe de CM1 (9-10 ans) et une classe de 6è (11-12 ans).
Je voudrais faire connaitre la culture française ainsi que ses traditions à nos petits indiens. Si votre classe parle déjà anglais, on pourrait penser à faire un échange français/anglais.

Si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez moi un mail à ramonjy.kiady@tges.org
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modify delete 125430 - from DEVIKA203 (India) - 2019-03-01

I am looking to teach english to students online and help with letter writing or anything related to english homework..Please contact if needed
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modify delete 121103 - from Lena57 (India) - 2018-03-16
Middle school - "Recherchons correspondants francophones pour élèves indiens"


Nous recherchons des correspondants niveau collège pour nos élèves qui apprenent le français a Delhi, Inde. Nous avons déja des échanges en place avec des élèves de France et nous souhaitons élargir leur horizon au Canada. Si possible dans la région de Montréal, QC. Mais aussi pourquoi pas en Ontario.

Il s'agit d'établir une correspondance, de converser par Skype, de développer un projet commun (écriture d'une nouvelle, projet sur l'environnement etc..)et pourquoi pas d'organiser un échange scolaire Inde-Canada comme nous l'avons fait avec succès avec des classes en France..

Nous avons hâte de vous lire! Léna J.
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modify delete 120290 - from Manisha joshi99 (India) - 2017-12-20
Middle school - "penpals for my students"


This is Manisha here from Mumbai,I am a social studies teacher also I teach British history to my students and I work in an international school in the IGCSE section affiliated to the university of cambridge,I am looking out for schools to collaborate with my students and also they would like to have penpals from around the world so they have a broader perspective of different culture,

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modify delete 119941 - from Bal Bharati School177 (India) - 2017-11-22
Primary school - "Cultural Exchange Programme"

We are from India,Bal Bharati Public School, Ghaziabad and looking forward to have an exchange programme with your country.
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modify delete 119940 - from Bal Bharati School177 (India) - 2017-11-22
Primary school - "Cultural Exchange Programme"

We are from India, Bal Bharati Public School, Brij Vihar, Ghaziabad. We are looking forward to the Schools from China who are ready for exchange programmes over skype, Emails , Blogs etc. Recently, we held an activity named ' Kite Festival' and our students are keen to share the same with the schools from China
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modify delete 119808 - from Bhavini Pant196 (India) - 2017-11-16
Middle school - "Searching for a class of penfriends (age 11-13)"

Hello teachers!

A few children from my 7th grade English class are to take part in a Penfriend Project. These children are aged 11-13, and are varied in their English competency. We'd love to write to other children also learning English around the world. Please do contact me if you're interested! We're currently looking for 11 children to write to, gender no bar. Thank you!
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modify delete 118858 - from geetika201 (India) - 2017-10-02
Middle school - "Searching school for skype session"

Hello everyone
I am teacher from India Looking for a skype session . If anyone is interested for a quick skype session on 9.10.17 at 1:00 pm ist please contact me on geetika.allen@gmail.com.
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modify delete 118461 - from Whilhelmina90 (India) - 2017-09-19
Primary school - "To share cultures"

Hi everybody my school is looking for schools to talk about their country's culture. Any one interested p;lease inform
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modify delete 118414 - from Whilhelmina90 (India) - 2017-09-17
High school - "Looking for schools from all over the world to partner with my school"


This is Whilhelmina, from India looking for schools from across the world to partner with our school with a few projects like. Foods from around the World, Fables Folklore Myths, Festivals, Protecting the Environment, Flags of the World, Geography for tourism This can be done through Skype, snail mail, Email students are between the age group of 4-17 year olds. If any school is interested please mail me.
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modify delete 118405 - from Whilhelmina90 (India) - 2017-09-17
Middle school - "looking for schools to be partners with my school"

We are looking for pen pals or schools to partner with our middle school, primaary school and high school for a few lessons foods around the world, environment studies and Geography for tourism.
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modify delete 118321 - from Vijay71 (India) - 2017-09-14
Others school - "Hi All"

Hi All
Its a good initiative. I am a tecaher working in the University and teaches teacher education and liberal arts courses. I would like to be part of the disussion. Plz guide me further.
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modify delete 117912 - from RAVI 216 (India) - 2017-09-03
High school - "Finding partner for international learning"

I am teacher from India. I am looking for schools with whom we can have on line collaborative learning. Pls. respond as early as possible.
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modify delete 117024 - from Kiady107 (India) - 2017-08-02
Middle school - "Proposition de correspondance"

Notre école TGS Wadi School à Rajkot en Inde,a un programme d'immersion en français pour des élèves indiens (anglophones)d'une durée de 3 ans.
Je voulais proposer un projet où nos élèves pourront découvrir la culture de l'autre via les lettres. Ce projet, à long terme, pourrait se terminer par un voyage scolaire au mois de février.
Mes élèves ont entre 11 et 14 ans (12 élèves de en sixième et 10 en cinquième qui s'initialisent à la langue française) Je voudrais mettre en place une correspondance par lettre au début.. Puis éventuellement on pourrait proposer un voyage scolaire.
REMARQUE: Une école en France serait souhaitable.
Veuillez me contacter sur mon mail kiadylaure@gmail.com
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modify delete 117002 - from Kiady Laure72 (India) - 2017-08-01
Primary school - "Proposition de correspondance"

Notre école TGS Wadi School à Rajkot en Inde,a un programme d'immersion en français pour des élèves indiens (anglophones)d'une durée de 3 ans.
Je voulais proposer un projet où nos élèves pourront découvrir la culture de l'autre via les lettres. Ce projet, à long terme, pourrait se terminer par un voyage scolaire au mois de février.
Nos élèves sont dispatchés en 3 niveaux: les immersions de 9 à 12 ans (CE2 à CM1), les ex-immersions (qui ont fini le programme et qui sont en Sixième à quatrième)qui ont entre 12 et 14 ans et les "french regular" (10 élèves de 12 - 13 ans qui s'initialisent à la langue française)
Je voudrais mettre en place une correspondance par lettre au début.. Puis éventuellement on pourrait proposer un voyage scolaire.
REMARQUE: Une école en France serait souhaitable.
Veuillez me contacter sur mon mail kiadylaure@gmail.com
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modify delete 116820 - from valérie37 (India) - 2017-07-19
Middle school - "échange linguistique avec une classe de français"

Bonjour, je m'appelle Valérie, je suis prof de français dans une école en Inde aux pieds de l'Himalaya. j'enseigne le français de la 6e à la 3e. Je recherche un établissement pour un échange scolaire, courrier, vidéo, skype, email et pourquoi pas un voyage ! Ici les cours ont déjà repris, mais nous pourrions commencer dès septembre. Merci de me contacter.
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modify delete 115353 - from Geetika30 (India) - 2017-02-03
Middle school - "Looking for partnership with Germany schools"

Hello everyone
My name is Geetika from India. I am looking for Germany school to share a unit on culture,traditions and festivals.
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modify delete 115334 - from karan219 (India) - 2017-02-01
Higher school - "doctor of both physics and mathematic"

hey everybody i am doctor of both physics and mathematic, i provide both subject class. if you have any doubt both subject, you ask me.
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modify delete 112556 - from Sara64 (India) - 2016-08-30
High school - "Cultural Exchange with India"

Bonjour !

Je suis enseignante en Inde. Nous souhaitons commencer un echange scolaire avec une ecole en France/Belgique.

J'ai des eleves de premier (15/16 ans) qui s'interesse a ce projet.
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modify delete 109961 - from Anju Uppal220 (India) - 2016-01-21
Primary school - "exchange of country culture program"

Dear Sir/Ma’am
Subject: Working in collaboration towards inculcating Internationalism and sense of Global Citizenship in students.

We would like to introduce ourselves as Ryan International School, Faridabad, India, part of Ryan Group of Institutions, throughout India and abroad. Under the aegis of its founder chairman Dr. Augustine F Pinto and Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto, the group, is aimed at developing the human resource for our dynamic and expanding community,.
To infuse Global Citizenship, develop traits of leadership, to respect diverse cultures of the world and to contribute positively to the Global Society, we would like to collaborate with your school, wherein, the students engage in activities exchanging ideas and building bonds.
We seek your consent for this collaboration, so that we may further share the details of the activities.
Looking forward to working together in shaping up these mouldable young minds so that they can make this world a better place!!

Anju Uppal
Ryan International School
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modify delete 109891 - from glory 91 (India) - 2016-01-13
Primary school - "A Journey Of A Letter Across The World Peace Icons"

Hi, I am an English teacher in primary department of Ryan International School Faridabad, India. I teach students of grade 4 & 5 (9 and 10 years old).It is a good platform for kids to learn about various countries, foreign languages, postal services and their lifestyles through such exchange programmes. Interested schools specially from countries like Japan, United Kingdom, Germany and Srilanka please contact us through mails, msgs, etc,.
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modify delete 106438 - from Gana118 (India) - 2015-08-10
Middle school - "Correspondance Inde (Ang/Fr)"

je me nomme Gana Sow, Sénégalais, enseignant le français dans une école Internationale en Inde (du primaire à la terminale) .
J'aimerai que nos élèves puissent bénéficier d'un échange interculturel avec des élèves qui parlent français dans le monde.
La langue principale est l'anglais et Ils ne sont pas nombreux à apprendre le français ici. L’intérêt est donc toujours à susciter chez les enfants.
Merci de me contacter et nous étudierons ensemble toutes les possibilités.
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modify delete 100816 - from Whilhelmina90 (India) - 2014-09-18
Middle school - "Interact and exchange mails on projects"

Hello dear readers and teachers,
We are a school situated in Karnataka, we are looking for schools around the world to interact with our students on various aspects of tradition, culture either through snail mail email and even skype, we want our students to know about countries of the world. We also offer free boarding and lodging for students and teachers who would like to vist India and our school being residential school will be easy for students to learn more about how students make their life in a boarding school,the age group of our students range from 8-17. if anyone should be interested please contact me. Regards Min
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modify delete 100126 - from Whilhelmina90 (India) - 2014-08-29
High school - "Interact and exchange mails on projects"

We are a school situated in Karnataka, very close to the sea,away fro the cit , its a small hamlet students come from various backgrounds we are looking for penpals fromthe age group of 10-17 to correspond with the students on varoius aspects. Currectly we are working with projects with the British Council and students are looking for penpals to give them information on some projects like, weather conditions, Deserts of the wworld Mountains around the world, Health diet. We woulld like to partner with schools with videos, snail mail, email and even skype.
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modify delete 99292 - from Mr.David228 (India) - 2014-07-23
Others school - "greeting"

hello, everyone i'm Mr David i have a french tuition class in salem, tamilnadu india for M.I.B students (master in international business) and who ever want to learn french language it free . So if anybody interested please contact me on: 09790468954 or email me at : christ.davidserge@gmail.com
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modify delete 98283 - from Navneet66 (India) - 2014-04-11
Middle school - "Learn Hindi ....its fun..!!!"

Hello frnds..!! My name is Navneet and I am a language teacher in India..!! If anyone want to learn hindi plz contact me on shyamanukampa@rediffmail.com
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modify delete 97128 - from Sumit Dutta118 (India) - 2013-12-10
Higher school - "Digital Library for School Students"

We resell in India, the world's largest in-campus digital library for schools. Over 100,000 obj with 100+ libraries are setup in the school along with terminals. All books are auto-dictionary enabled with self reading facility. This is proven to improve the reading and writing skills of children. This library is the only "content to-go" library in the world where children can take home the entire library with them. Teachers and Parents are also big beneficiaries of this library.
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modify delete 78179 - from Bhavini233 (India) - 2013-11-18
Middle school - "Penfriends for my students - India"

Hello everyone! My name is Bhavini, I run an English reading program in 15 schools in Tamil Nadu, South India. About 30 children (12-14) in three schools are interested in making penfriends with children around the world who are also learning English. They are quite excited about this project, and would like to correspond via written letters (snail mail) only. Their level of English is average, so we're looking to connect with other English learners and improve together. :) Please do email me if you are interested, we would like to start the correspondence immediately. Hugs from India! :)
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modify delete 77141 - from Sandhya201 (India) - 2013-09-27
Primary school - "looking for a korean penpal for 4th grader"

I am looking for a pen pal for a 4th grader from India preferably from korea who is interested in sharing culture, and learning language.
Hope to get a reply soon.
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modify delete 76491 - from Sonam215 (India) - 2013-09-09
Primary school - "Pen pals for children in the Himalayas."

I teach grade 1 under the foot hills of the Himalayas named Sikkim, which is in India. I have 23 children in my class, and their converse and write in English quite well. We have started a unit on letter writing, and while I was making my lesson plan for the week I thought it would be absolutely wonderful if the children could correspond with someone from a different country for various reasons but mainly culture exchange and to get a real life experience of snail mail. The children would be thrilled! I hope to hear from someone soon!

Thank You
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modify delete 76116 - from Renu212 (India) - 2013-08-28
Higher school - "Possibilite d'un echange culturel"

Cher monsieur/ Chere madame,
Un grand bonjour d’Inde. Je m’appelle Mlle. Renu Pandey. Je suis professeur de français en Inde. J’enseigne dans une école célèbre en Inde pour les garçons « The Scindia School, The Fort, Gwalior ; Madhya Pradesh ; L’Inde». Nous avons à peu près 120 étudiants indiens qui apprennent le français comme une langue étrangère.

Nous nous intéressons dans l’échange avec les écoles étrangères (un groupe de 15 à 20 étudiants (garçons seulement). Autre que le français, nos étudiants parlent l’anglais et l’hindi aussi. Nous sommes dans une école résidentielle. Nos étudiants habitent dans le dortoir. Ils sont entre 13 à 17 ans.

Nous nous intéressons aussi à recevoir vos étudiants pour l’échange (un groupe de 15 à 20 étudiants (garçons seulement) dans notre école résidentielle.

Vos étudiants peuvent rester avec nous pour 15 jours ou plus pendant le mois de Novembre, 2013-14 quand il fait beau ou comme vous voulez du 11 avril au 25 avril, 2014 quand il fera chaud en Inde.

Pour nos étudiants on peut avoir l’échange au mois de mai, 2014, c'est-à-dire du 1er mai au 30 mai.

Nous pouvons organiser leur séjour, leur randonnée domestique à Taj Mahal à Agra et aux autres endroits touristiques et domestiques gratuitement.

Leur nourriture, les billets du vol et leur argent de poche seront payés par les étudiants eux- mêmes de chaque côté.

Pour commencer, nous pouvons avoir l’échange pour deux ans.

Je serais très obligé à vous d'accepter le nom de votre lycée pour cet échange. Je vous remercie en avance pour votre coopération.

Veuillez agréer l’expression de mes salutations distinguées. Je vous remercie à l’ avance pour cette possibilité d’organiser cet échange culturel et linguistique.

Bien cordialement,

Renu Pandey

Le Professeur de français,

The Scindia School,

The Fort, Gwalior

Madhya Pradesh ; 474008


Téléphone: 919669017343

Email: principal@scindia.edu; renu.francaise@gmail.com; cd@scindia.edu
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modify delete 75622 - from Sarah68 (India) - 2013-08-08
High school - "Echange Scolaire"

Bonjour, Nous sommes le lycée à New Delhi(Inde). Nous sommes à la recherche des élèves francophones ayant entre 13 et 15 pour un echange scolaire. Nos élèves parlent courramment en anglais mais ça fait trois ans qu'ils apprennent le français. Si vous êtes intérssés, Contactez-nous.
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modify delete 74914 - from Anne Laure151 (India) - 2013-06-25
Primary school - "Recherche classes en France pour correspondance"


Je suis professeur volontaire dans une superbe école en Inde. Je recherche des classes en France pour correspondre avec mes élèves (9 ans à 13 ans).
L'échange se ferait par email ou par courrier.

Merci d'avance
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modify delete 73994 - from vibhor sharma202 (India) - 2013-04-09
Middle school - "subject teacher for school"

I run an English medium school in karauli, this school run PG to X Class standard, i want subject teacher specially for math, science ,English & social studies, those who interested for this job contact me, school given attractive salary with free accommodation (free living facility) pay : 6000 to 12000, my contact no: 9828404088,759706078
my address: Bal Bharti English Medium School, front forest office ,Gadka ki choukhi ,RICCO area Karauli district, Rajasthan
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modify delete 73803 - from Rishi177 (India) - 2013-03-18
Higher school - "Maths teacher"

I am a maths teacher till class XII. I teach maths in a very simple manner if anyone is having any problems contact me at risdua@rediffmail.com
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modify delete 73788 - from Rishi Dua177 (India) - 2013-03-17
Higher school - "Maths teacher"

Maths is a interesting subject i even make it interesting by teaching it in beautiful manner. I am teaching Maths for last 12 years.you are always welcome to discuss your problems
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modify delete 73028 - from Karunanithi204 (India) - 2013-01-07
High school - "Need penpal to our school"

I am Karunanithi, from India, running a school for 3years and 15yaers boys and girls. This is an english medium school. We like to make our children to write about our culture, festival, food etc. in english to other students of the same age in other country. Would you like to have our students as penpals to your students. Please reply.
Visit us @ www.arunachalamtrust.in
Karunanithi. (shortly:Karuna)
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modify delete 43863 - from heena161 (India) - 2012-03-26
Middle school - "Partnership"

Looking for a school for cultural exchange. We are located in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India and would like to enter into a partnership with students from different countries. If interested please mail me.
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modify delete 43335 - from Pauline124 (India) - 2012-02-08
Middle school - "Penpals for my MS and HS students"

Hi everyone!
I teach French and Spanish at the American School of Bombay and I have some students who come from all over the world (UK, Ireland, USA, India, Japan, Malaysia etc.. They are looking for penpals.
- I have students aged 11-14 who are studying French as a foreign language and are looking for penpals in France.
- I have another group of students who are studying Spanish as a foreign language and are looking for penpals in Spain.
I hope to hear from you soon!
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modify delete 42151 - from Corinne68 (India) - 2011-11-03
Primary school - "Projet sur le vélo dans le monde/Bicycles around the world"

Bonjour, enseignante de français dans la classe de CP-bilingue au Lycée Français de New Delhi en Inde, je recherche des correspondants francophones et anglophones, pour déboucher sur la réalisation d'un album multimédia bilingue sur le thème du vélo dans le monde. Nous sommes déjà 3 écoles partantes...
Hello, I'm looking for French or anglophone's schools to exchange on a common theme, which will result in a multimedia documentary at the end of the school year. The subject of the discovery and writing is the BICYCLE.
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modify delete 41424 - from Pauline162 (India) - 2011-10-04
High school - "Email exchange"

I am a Spanish teacher at the American School of Bombay. My students are beginners and they are 16 years old. I am looking for a class to organize an email exchange. My students come from all over the world (USA, Ireland, India, Canada, Israel, Malaysia, China). They are all perfectly fluent in English (the whole curriculum is taught in English).
Let me know if you're interested in this exchange.
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modify delete 40928 - from Giriraj168 (India) - 2011-09-19
Primary school - "Required School Teacher"

We required teachers for Nursary to 7th at Jeerapur (Dist. Rajarh Baora). Interested candidates may send their resume on afpindia@gmail.com for further communication.
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modify delete 38199 - from lakshmisri92 (India) - 2011-02-24
Others school - "Sloka class"

I am a sloka teacher and teaching slokas for Kids age 4 to 10.
interested students can call me for more information.
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modify delete 37013 - from Nithya201 (India) - 2010-10-18
Primary school - "Special needs teacher"

Hi,this is Nithya, a special educator.I have 4 yrs of dynamic exp.I am very much interested to work in Denmark as a special needs teacher.If i get an oppurtunity i will do my level best.
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modify delete 37007 - from Sweta198 (India) - 2010-10-18
Higher school - "Mathematics tutoring"

If anyone needs help with their mathematics I can help.
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modify delete 35257 - from Ashwani177 (India) - 2010-08-04
Higher school - "Smart Online tutoring Services."

Hi Friends, My name is Ashwani. I would like to share my view with all students on online tutoring help. If you are interested to take this new teaching experience, you can contact me at kumaraggarwalashwani@yahoo.co.in. My phone number is 830 542 4283.
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modify delete 34628 - from Sumangali95 (India) - 2010-06-24
Primary school - "Correspondence with english speaking kids"

Hi! I am teaching computer for children of 7 to 11 years age ( grade I to IV). We are looking for the school children of almost same age of diffrent countries to share our school expreinces, our projects, hobbies , habits and more.
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modify delete 34375 - from Samk72 (India) - 2010-05-25
Primary school - "Parents role in preschool"

Hi I wanted to know whats Parents role in preschool?
list you attitudes about parents roles in a program.

Thanks In Advance!

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modify delete 34279 - from om gupta110 (India) - 2010-05-13
High school - "need teachers"

i need 10 south-indian teachers for my school. my school is located in JEERAPUR, Distt- Rajgarh M.P., 200 kilometres from indore. salary 5000 to 10000
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modify delete 34135 - from seba94 (India) - 2010-04-27
Primary school - "penpal for primary school"

Hello everybody,

I'm looking for penpals (online, blogging) for my 11 year-old pupils. It's their second year of English (their mother tongue is Telugu-Indian) and they would like to learn more about India today, history ... maybe we could set up an online friendship and exchange our work via mail and blogs".

hoping to hear from you.
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modify delete 34133 - from seba94 (India) - 2010-04-27
Primary school - "penpal for primary school"

Greetings from India! I´m looking forward for penpals for my second and fourth grade class, aged 7 -11 (29 boys and girls).
We are still looking for someone to correspond with in English (letters and emails).
Are your students interested in writing, too? My students would be really happy about a penpal.
Thanks in advance for your interests!
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modify delete 34099 - from simran196 (India) - 2010-04-20
Primary school - "the post teacher of primary school"

hello ,
i would i like to discuss about likes and dislikes of the student there learning methods etc i m happy to join this group
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modify delete 33429 - from MUKESH NAGPAL54 (India) - 2010-02-08
High school - "Student teacher Exchange program"

Our School is rated as the best school in New Delhi, India. We are interested in Teacher Exchange programs for Middle School, High School and Higher School. Please contact us if any school is interested in the same.


Mukesh Nagpal
Co-Ordinator Teacher Student Exchange
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modify delete 32226 - from veronique124 (India) - 2009-10-26
Primary school - "echange avec une classe de CM1 en France ou en ecole francaise"

je suis enseignante de Francais pour les eleves de l'ecole americaine de Delhi. Nous avons des correspondants a l'ecole francaise, mais j'ai plus d'eleves et recherche une classe ou 2 de CM1.(37 eleves dans cette tranche d'age)
Nous voudrions echanger des mails entre eleves, des infos sur le pays, l'ecole.
Je voudrais commencer l'echange ASAP, j'attends votre mail.
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modify delete 31284 - from For Teachers!113 (India) - 2009-09-07
Others school - "Site for School Projects!"

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modify delete 31224 - from Cécile195 (India) - 2009-09-03
Higher school - "correspondance de classe avec étudiants indiens en FLE"

Je vais enseigner le FLE en Inde à partir d'octobre 2009. Je cherche à mettre en place une correspondance entre des jeunes francophones (étudiant l'hindi, ce serait encore mieux!) et mes futurs étudiants de langue maternelle hindi, afin d'animer les séances de compréhension et d'expression écrite. (niveaux A1 et A2).
Contactez moi pour plus de détails.
A bientôt
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modify delete 30986 - from Jhonathan30 (India) - 2009-08-20
High school - "Grand Master in planettutor"

Log onto www.planettutor.in right now and take the weekly online quiz and win exciting prizes like a trip to paris. An online tutoring company which is making a world of difference in eductaing child by going green.
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modify delete 30269 - from Monika123 (India) - 2009-06-11
Primary school - "Opening a primary school in India"

I'm a retired primary school teacher,57, and looking for another retired teacher for
setting up a small school in India.
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modify delete 28696 - from Apoorva Saini97 (India) - 2009-01-18
Primary school - "International Mindedness - IB Philosophy"


We, the Grade 4 teachers at Indus International School, are looking for penpals from countries across the world for our students.
Through this communication, we wish to focus on our IB philosophy of International Mindedness and facilitate cross cultural exchanges between students, to promote a better understanding of our world.
We have a student strength of approx 22 in three sections.

We look forward to a mutually rewarding experience!

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modify delete 28522 - from sanjaytikariya200 (India) - 2009-01-06
Middle school - "hi ;;;;;;; do you intrest in school lab"

Welcome to the MAZI CHOTISHI PRAYOG SHALA my tiny lab
Namaskar. I am sanjay tikariya jalna maharashtra india All the teachers, science friends , students , depart. ,and all school and all of science's friends..... i want to convey all of us that i have made such a laboratory known as "SANJAY TIKARIYA'S TINY LAB''(sanjay tikariya yanchi mazi chotishi prayog shala ) This is an educational lab and it is world's smallest educational lab ( 2x2x1xF )/There are 120 appratuses and with these we can do 500 basic science experiments( simple tools and a wooden box ) through simple tools and a wooden box this tiny lab is made . It is very imp. for the students of 1st to 8th std. ; we can creat this lab in very little price, by spending 5000 thousand rs only my tiny lab I have trained all the schools unders 'sarva shiKSH abhiyan ' Through MSCERT all the teachers (science) of maharashtra are trained by me about making such kind of tiny science lab who ever. from any school call me for guidence i always think about that invitaion you can contaut me through phone , email, carresplndince etc , 1) my tiny science lab -- teching and creation 2) cd 3) training 4) BOOK 5) OTHER information cont. me-- sanjaytikariya@rediffmail.com /09423923191/09325825583/
02482223023 add- sanjay b. tikariya anand nagar .revgav rod jalna 431,203 maharashtra for my profail must go on ibibio.com india.........sanjaytikariya34@gmail.co
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modify delete 27691 - from Karunanithi197 (India) - 2008-11-05
High school - "Penpals from anywhere!"

I am Karunanithi, from India, running a school for 3years and 15yaers boys and girls. This is an english medium school. We like to make our children to write about our culture, festival, food etc. in english to other students of the same age in other country. Would you like to have our students as penpals to your students. Please reply.
Visit us @ www.arunachalamtrust.in
Karunanithi. (shortly:Karuna)
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modify delete 22723 - from Raj (India) - 2007-12-06
Primary school - "Child labour school"

I am running a child labour school. Are there any one who would help me of how I can teach the children?
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modify delete 22664 - from Priya (India) - 2007-12-02
Middle school - "Hi!Welcome to the world of Vedic mathematics!"

Hi,this is to invite all mathematics people to the website http://vedicmathematic.tripod.com You would get lots of options in books,correspondence courses etc. to choose from and gain speed and accuracy by learning the science of vedic mathematics.From the Institute of vedic Mathematics,teaching maths with smiles since 1985..
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modify delete 21862 - from Ekta Rani (India) - 2007-10-26
Primary school - "Problem in teaching"

I have many problems in teaching maths bcaouse i am new in this proffesion.I am teaching in aprivate school.I am teaching to 6th class students but their base is not strong in maths basic things like multiplication, addition,subtraction etc. the principal mam say to me that i should use play way mathod to teach best but i don't have idia so want idieas from ur site on my mail address to teach 6th class.
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modify delete 20622 - from SHIHAB (India) - 2007-08-28
Primary school - "maths topics"

primary school
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modify delete 19684 - from kumar (India) - 2007-06-24
Others school - "Music"

I am teacher in a remote village. I would like to set up computer literecy classes for the school dropouts. Are there anyone who will guide me into this activity.
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modify delete 19345 - from SR (India) - 2007-05-29
Primary school - "Imparting Education"

We work together, because "working together works" to make the less fortunate worthy of competing with the City Children. Can any one tell/share with us the mode of imparting such education.
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modify delete 18986 - from shilpa (India) - 2007-05-07
Higher school - "books"

i m looking for book of "europian history' that should be in hindi language. if that book is available on online labrary that will be good. if u can help me in this maneer i will be thankfull to u....
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modify delete 18034 - from Alpesh (India) - 2007-03-16
Middle school - "Anybody needs help in Maths"

Hi, Anybody needs help in Maths upto Middle school level. Feel free to email or chat with me at alpeshvasant@yahoo.com. Wish you happy learning.
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modify delete 17810 - from Arumugam (India) - 2007-03-03
High school - "How to participate maths computations"

Hello I am Arumugam from Puthucherri(India). I should know how to participate the online maths computations. I am working in Shreem matriculation School.

Please give me some ideas and messages for mathematical teaching.

Thanking You
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modify delete 17231 - from sneha (India) - 2007-02-05
Higher school - "italian history in hindi language"

i m looking for book of "italian history' that should be in hindi language. if that book is available on online labrary that will be good. if u can help me in this maneer i will be thankfull to u....
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modify delete 15363 - from akshaye (India) - 2006-11-04
Middle school - "friendship or coaching in maths"

Hi, I am akshaye. I love to make friends. In case if u need guidence in Maths please e-mail me at akshaye_w_n@hotmail.com.bye.Hope to hear u from soon. age 36. male.
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modify delete 15215 - from akshaye (India) - 2006-10-30
Middle school - "english exercises and maths exercises,penfriend"

Hi I am akshaye please write for maths and english exercises on akshaye_w_n@hotmail.com. you can be penpal too.
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modify delete 13923 - from akshaye (India) - 2006-09-29
Middle school - "penpal"

Hi, I am akshay.A teacher teaching various subjects.Age 35.Love to
make female penpal. My e-mail akshaye_w_nhotmail.com.Love to talk and
discuss on various topics alongwith friendship.
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modify delete 13922 - from akshaye (India) - 2006-09-29
Middle school - "penpal"

Hi,I am akshaye teacher,teaching various subjects.I like very much
to make penpals. My e-mail is akshaye_w_n@hotmail.com.Age 35.
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