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modifier supprimer 18880 - de Leo45 (USA) - 2024-04-19 >> NEW
Autres - "Lol"

Bro this is just hilarious yesterday I got mad at my sis and I jumped on her but she was smart so she put one of those jelly filled donuts so when I jumped on her I got my hole shirt covered in jelly

modifier supprimer 18838 - de Sean58 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-11-03
Autres - "Do you think Kids are Stunted Future/Present Potential?"

do you think that children are looked down on? and because of that stunted potential. for example i for one have trouble finding an intellectual program in which i am not undermined because of my age. and because of that not taught about non basic sciences just things kids like. (rockets instead of sustainability the moon instead of mars fossil fuels instead of maglev Etc Etc) and if so which programs don't?

modifier supprimer 18817 - de Kate59 , 16 ans (Russia ) - 2023-02-01
Autres - "Free time"

Hello! My name is Kate. I'm 16.I'm doing a project for English. Help me please. Answer my questions. What do you do in your free time? 1) sports 2)go shopping 3)go to the Cafe 4)go the Park 5)play computer games 6)watch TV 7)study 8) other
Where do you prefer to go in your spare time? 1) to the museum 2) to the Park 3)to the theatre 4) to the music fastival 5) other
Do you aspire to get a higher education? 1) Yes 2)no

modifier supprimer 18809 - de Hailey155 , 11 ans (USA) - 2022-12-22
Autres - "Hi"

Hi there y’all

modifier supprimer 18768 - de Laurel175 , 9 ans (canada) - 2022-09-20
Autres - "I wAnT fRiEnDs"


18768 -
modifier supprimer 18818 - Réponse de Nicole225 , 13 ans (Jamaica ) - 2023-02-01


If you want, you can message me.


18768 -
modifier supprimer 18815 - Réponse de Arefa Ananya 48 , 18 ans (Bangladesh ) - 2023-01-24

Will not be your fren, I REPEAT, will not

modifier supprimer 18713 - de Killa167 (France ) - 2022-01-27
Autres - "Life experiences"

Does anyone want to share their passed or ongoing bad experiences with school ? (anxiety, feeling lonely, having no friends, being bullied...) Or just anything you would like to share.
I've just realized I might have been going through tougher things that I thought I was and now I'm feeling kind of perplexed.

modifier supprimer 18711 - de MARÍA148 (SPAIN) - 2021-12-15
Autres - "What do you think about climate change?"

Post your comments about Climate Change its causes and effects, main consequences and solutions to stop it.

18711 -
modifier supprimer 18816 - Réponse de Arefa Ananya 48 , 18 ans (Bangladesh ) - 2023-01-24

3R method, there's this channel in YouTube from our country a content creator named 'Enayet Chowdhury' made a video about 3ar, tough we already know about it, it's about Reduce, reuse and recycle method. Mainly plastic, then there's other climate issues related to water, soil, air, sound pollution too na, people need to take steps United for this, because it's our future after all, and the future has our present and past in it too, if anyone just brushes of saying 'we will do what needs to be done when time comes' to climate change. For 3r, you can Google 'Recycle near me' then do a yearly recycle or monthly or daily up to you, about plastics. Then, for water pollution, alot of it has to do with plastics too, thousands, repeating thousands SPECIES OF SEA ANIMALS, SPECIES get affected by those. And we drink water tooo..soo..yeah..maybe help them, the animals, more natural fertilizers should be used for soil, then, do something about cluttered junk on the soil of earth. For air pollution, basics, the ingredients that ruins our air, reduce, Insect killing sprays effect on that but we can't do much on that can we:/ cause we need to live too, so stuff that are like insect killing sprays are waste, for sound pollution creating better use of advertising than just loud announcements in mics (Yeah politicians watch out, expect if you're a politician MAKING REAL EFFORT) use transportions like cars more thoughtfully.

18711 -
modifier supprimer 18712 - Réponse de ANTONIO148 , 16 ans (SPAIN) - 2021-12-24

I think there is much we can do to stop climate change. There are many easy things to do in you daily routine to help the environment. Save water, electricity, recycle, etc. are simple steps to start.
You can also join any NGO and help as a volunteer, go to demonstrations to show you care, and most important of all, get the information about this important issue so you know what is all about.

modifier supprimer 18668 - de Laurent206 , 64 ans (France) - 2021-08-18
Autres - "Bartleby the scrivener"

I read Bartleby the scrivener, this is a short story by the american writer herman melville? In this book melville describes a wall street lawyer hires a new clerk who after an initial bout of hard work, refuses to make copies or do any other tasks of him with the words I would prefer no to. The narrator makes several attempts to reason with Bartleby or to learn something about him, but never his any success. I have the feeling that this book is very strange for me, because the style, the writing is not usual.

modifier supprimer 18642 - de runke196 , 17 ans (China) - 2021-07-28
Autres - "Literature"

I'm glad to hear your voice about literature. My favorite writer is Lu Xun(1881-1936), whom is often called "a great writer, thinker and revolutionary" in China. His most famous work is The True Story of Ah Q. I don't know whether you have heard of him or his works. But in China, it is almost impossible to find a student who doesn't know his name. Qu Yuan, a poet in ancient China two thousand years ago, is another writer that I love very much. You couldn't feel the beauty of his words unless you learn ancient Chinese language, so I think you may never heard of him. In terms of European and American works, I have read a few, most of which are from France, UK and Russia, such as Les Misérables by Hugo, David Copperfield by Dickens and War & Peace(Война и мир)by Tolstoy and so on. What about you? Welcome to post your ideas here.

modifier supprimer 18552 - de Zoey12 , 11 ans (United States) - 2021-03-29
Autres - "Who is the best president?"

Who do you think is the best president in your opinion? I think Abraham Lincoln, since he won a war, he stopped slavery and he wasn't racist. He was also very humble. And the worst president? I would say Trump.

modifier supprimer 18540 - de Chloe12 , 20 ans (France) - 2021-03-19
Autres - "New Debate"

Seules les filles sexy peuvent exister. Les dorks, les geeks et les nerds ne sont pas autorisés à vivre.

18540 -
modifier supprimer 18551 - Réponse de Zoey12 , 11 ans (United States) - 2021-03-29

What does that even say?

modifier supprimer 18527 - de Alix29 (France) - 2021-02-08
Autres - "My project"

Hello everyone!
I'm in the process of setting up a project, and I'm looking for testimonials from people all over the world. If you want to talk about yourself, your life, things that happened to you, events you experienced, anecdotes, contact me and send me your text! (whatever your age) Thank you very much!

modifier supprimer 18474 - de Olivia58 , 11 ans (USA) - 2020-11-05
Autres - "Photography Advice"

Hello! My name is Olivia and I am looking for photography advice please. Thanks :)

18474 -
modifier supprimer 18594 - Réponse de Ashlyn207 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-05-21

Hey! Here's some advice:

1. Make sure you are in a place with good lighting.
2. Learn how to get around (Like bye using bike, scooter, skateboard) to find great places to get the pictures.
3. To get a good shot, always be prepared to take a photo.
4. When taking a photo, try to have your hands not shake as much.
5. ALWAYS keep your lenses clean.

modifier supprimer 18443 - de Lillq183 , 11 ans (Hungary) - 2020-10-14
Autres - "Let's be e-pals!"

Hi! My name is Lilla Wallovics! I live in Hungary Badacsonytomaj. It's a beautiful town, next to the Balaton (it's a lake). I'm 11 years old and I like Maths, ICT and English. In English I'm better then my classmates, but I want to be better and better every day. I like dance, purple, fashion, sweet foods (Yummy!😜) and school.
My email address is: wallovics.lilla@gmail.com
If you want to be my e-pal eend me a massage!

modifier supprimer 18423 - de thais238 (france ) - 2020-07-22
Autres - "the strength of stereotypes"

I am a young Frenchwoman who with my families like to travel. we are always amused to hear his stereotypes which stick to our skin.
laughter a little what are the stereotypes that you have on France and the French?

modifier supprimer 18390 - de Afeef228 , 16 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2020-05-26
Autres - "Searching for a texting friend"

Hi. Im afeef from srilanka. Im searching for a texting friend.who can meet me ininstagram. @sweven_arcadian

18390 -
modifier supprimer 18455 - Réponse de Lilla183 , 11 ans (Hungary) - 2020-10-15

Hi! I want to texting with you, but I don't have Instagramm. Do you have an e-mail address?

modifier supprimer 18364 - de Daniel243 , 21 ans (Rd congo) - 2020-03-16
Autres - "Meeting"

Hi, everybody, here in my country we are in the many difficults for living that the reason of i wanna to create the young group for all person just for to help our young génération to wake up mind for the beatyful futures who are in our hands so i wanna your helping to realise it

This my contact :

Email : danielkalenga075@gmail.com
Wattsapp : 00243904978753

modifier supprimer 18354 - de Adrien109 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-01-29
Autres - "Possible ?"

Je me posait deux questions en rapport avec les sciences et la question parle de la vitesse de la lumière (plus ou moins). Un jour, Einstein a prouvé qu'aucune chose ayant une masse pouvait dépasser la vitesse de la lumière. Et justement, dans la lumière, il y a des particules (je ne me souviens plus de leur nom) qui dépassent cette vitesse. Donc les questions sont: ces particules on forcément une masse donc ne serait-il pas possible de déplacer des masses plus importantes aussi rapidement que la lumière? Et si oui, serait-il possible que ça aille tellement vite qu'on puisse utiliser ça pour une sorte de téléportation?

18354 -
modifier supprimer 18355 - Réponse de Nicolas209 , 55 ans (France) - 2020-01-30

Bonjour Adrien,

en effet, l'année dernière, des chercheurs ont constaté que les neutrinos se déplaçaient + vite que la lumière. Mais cette déclaration a été démentie quelques jours + tard. Il faut dire que c'est un peu gênant ; cela signifierait que toutes nos formules sont fausses ! Je rappelle que les neutrinos proviennent des étoiles et tracent leur chemin "partout" en traversant tout...

Sinon, tu as aussi la physique quantique qui suggère que certaines particules dépassent (peut-être) la vitesse de la lumière : l'expérience des photons-jumeaux (loi de non-séparabilité). Là, on parle de communication instantanée ou de vitesse infinie. Je te laisse faire des recherches sur internet.

A propos de la masse de la lumière, on ne sait pas si elle est vraiment nulle. On ne fait que supposer. Tout ce qu'on peut dire à ce jour, c’est que la masse d’un photon est inférieure à 5 x 10 puissance -60 gramme. Et c'est le même problème : si un jour on arrive à prouver que la masse d'un photon n'est pas nulle, alors toutes nos formules s'écroulent.

Théoriquement, pour faire voyager une particule de matière (comme un simple proton ou un électron par exemple) à la vitesse de la lumière, il faut une énergie infinie. C'est pour cela que le fameux accélérateur de particules consomme une énergie phénoménale. IL faut dire que ce n'est pas rien : à cette vitesse, tu fais 10 fois le tour de la terre en 1 seconde !

modifier supprimer 18339 - de Marcel170 (Togo) - 2019-12-12
Autres - "problème"

j'ai un problème de surdité brusque. y a t il des gens ici qui en ont fait l'expérience et avec qui on peut en discuter? merci

18339 -
modifier supprimer 18340 - Réponse de Nicolas17 (France) - 2019-12-13

Bonjour Marcel,

Est-ce qu'il s'agit d'une surdité définitive ou temporaire ?
si c'est définitif, alors je te conseille fortement d'apprendre à lire sur les lèvres, car sinon, tu ne pourras plus communiquer et tout le monde va te tourner le dos. En fait, tu n'as pas le choix, il faut le faire. Si tu n'y arrives pas, alors essaie la langue des signes.

Courage !

modifier supprimer 18336 - de Abigail13 (United States ) - 2019-11-19
Autres - "problem :("

Hi um I have a problem so I created my account/add whatever you want to call it and I made a password I even wrote it on a piece of paper so I wouldnt forget it i also signed up with a email so if I forgot I could just use that if I did forget it here is the problem
I went to my mailbox to check my messages I typed the password and it said it wasn't right :| so I clicked forgot password even though I had the password on a piece of paper so I wouldnt FORGET and I typed my gmail I did that 2 weeks ago and I didn't get anything for a week so I did it again I did it a week ago still nothing I typed the right gmail and everything does anyone else have this problem? I its terrible and I can't make new friends :''''( I am in tears I messaged the creator but the address wasn't found this is really frustrating and if I get this message through I will be shocked and amazed :((

modifier supprimer 18318 - de soongmin163 (france) - 2019-09-02
Autres - "*dark minds*"

haaaa! dark minds/feelings,you know?
that tuch many people in the world and i have think it's impossible that take me but now it is.. i do things that i want do to me.. you may know that?...i need help because i fall..

modifier supprimer 18307 - de Sofia57 (Italy) - 2019-07-05
Autres - "Do you care about the environment and the climate change?"

Nowadays we often hear about the climate crisis. What do you think? In your opinion, it exists or not? Are we in danger? What can we do to save our beautiful planet? What can we do in our daily lives?

18307 -
modifier supprimer 18468 - Réponse de Nyx169 (USA) - 2020-10-30

Fifty years ago everyone was terrified of global COOLING. They thought the world would have another Ice Age and we'd all die... then after that is was "overpopulation"... and now the world's warming... I think we're ok.

18307 -
modifier supprimer 18327 - Réponse de Guillaume 174 , 24 ans (France ) - 2019-10-15

For me it is the End of humanity, it's too late but don't worry if we will all die the earth will only be better. If we want to save the Earth we must die.

18307 -
modifier supprimer 18320 - Réponse de Ethan202 , 16 ans (South Africa ) - 2019-09-07

Hi Sofia,
I do believe that climate change does exist. I believe it is a natural process the world goes through every few thousand years, but mankind is making the process worse and quickening the effects of it. If you look at the climatic history of the world, you'll see periods of time where the temperature has dropped significantly (e.g Ice Ages) and periods of time where the temperature is very high this caused the global climate to change. With the emission of green house gasses, over population, habitat destruction, over fishing/ hunting, etc. this process has become a lot more severe in a much shorter time frame. Which in turn doesn't allow species to adapt to these changes. so climate change is a major issue and it does need to be addressed.

18307 -
modifier supprimer 18315 - Réponse de Juline196 , 18 ans (France) - 2019-08-27

Yes I'm very concerned about it, we can notice that it is really a fact in our daily life… I live in the campain, there are less insects, less birds, températures are heater than never… We had snow, and one Week later very hot températures… Yes of course it is real, and there are things we can do to help: buy less useless things, less plastic, less clothes, Don't throw what can be reused, do the #trashtag challenge, on he internet, you can find a lot of actions! But everybody has to do it, Don't let other people do it for you, Everybody shall ACT!

modifier supprimer 18302 - de Rebekah 230 , 12 ans (USA) - 2019-07-01
Autres - "God is real! Here is my proof!"

If God does not exist why are you here? Why is Earth here? Do you really believe that everything happened by chance? It takes a lot more faith to believe in a world created by chance than created by an All-Powerful, loving g
God. Think about the complex way the human body works. Or the way the moon pulls the tide. I know bad things happen but everything works for good. God uses bad things for good.

I have waaaaayyyy more proof, just ask.
If you want to believe in Jesus I'll help you, just ask.

18302 -
modifier supprimer 18593 - Réponse de Alex207 , 13 ans (USA) - 2021-05-21


18302 -
modifier supprimer 18469 - Réponse de Nyx169 (USA) - 2020-10-30

Hate to break it to you, but God can't be proven by science or otherwise. It's scientifically impossible. God requires faith, and faith operates outside of science.

However, you can make the scientific case for Creation, which is belief in an intelligent creator, (I.e. God). In which case, you can debate someone.

18302 -
modifier supprimer 18310 - Réponse de Elijah168 (Togo) - 2019-07-09

God is real, and only People that seek him find his ways

modifier supprimer 18223 - de Seo Hyun230 , 15 ans (S.Korea) - 2018-09-30
Autres - "Animal"

What do you think about animals in the Zoo? Few days ago, a puma escaped from the zoo by trainers' mistake. When he was found, they killed him due to the dangerous of aggression. Do you think it is right thing? Did they really have no choice?

18223 -
modifier supprimer 18470 - Réponse de Nyx169 (USA) - 2020-10-30

Does it matter? I mean, cruelty to animals should be avoided, but if the animal is threatening human life, isn't the human more important?

18223 -
modifier supprimer 18380 - Réponse de Blaise168 , 46 ans (France) - 2020-05-08

Humans are destroying animals!
I think Antoine is right.
Humans don't know what they are doing !
They are just not a priority, they are killers!

18223 -
modifier supprimer 18379 - Réponse de Antoine168 , 10 ans (France) - 2020-05-08

Hello.Humans are KILLERS!
And i've got proof.
1Animals are extinct because of them!
2Humans are making pollution.
3They invented the nuclear bomb that destroyed Nagasaki and Hokoshima, killed millions lf humans and trillions of animals.

18223 -
modifier supprimer 18228 - Réponse de Régine203 , 51 ans (France) - 2018-10-10

Animals must be respected. I don't think they are happyin a zoo. But they are protected and loved there; doctors take care of their health, they eat without having to kill game.
But of course if they escape and then become a danger, human life is a priority.

modifier supprimer 18219 - de Lillian98 , 14 ans (USA) - 2018-09-12
Autres - "Gun control?"

What do ya'll think of gun/weapon control in the USA?

18219 -
modifier supprimer 18471 - Réponse de Nyx169 (USA) - 2020-10-30

Gun control basically takes guns away from every good guy. Bad guys get their guns illegally anyway. It won't stop crime; it will stop people's ability to defeat crime.

modifier supprimer 18217 - de Abigail41 , 15 ans (Hawaii) - 2018-09-11
Autres - "I have a problem that I need solved for me!"

So, last year, I really liked this boy, and his name is Mateo. He really liked me too. We loved chatting, and talking. I always laughed at everything he said. He is hillarious, popular, athletic, nice, cute, and his family is rich!!!!! My best friend Morgan kinda got involved, and then she bacame friends with him, but ALL they talked about was me and him. She only talked to him about me (She wanted us to get together) At the end of the school year, Morgan moved away to Tennessee. She still kept in contact with Mateo. I still kept in contact with him too. But, I got really depressed over the summer, I missed her so bad! So did he. So, when we returnde back to school, we were both different people. we acted different, and kinda drifted apart from eachother. I'm really sad, because, I liked him so badly! I was in love.

Let me clarify something: Morgan and Mateo did not like eachother!!!

18217 -
modifier supprimer 18279 - Réponse de Allie137 (United states) - 2019-04-23

You could find a new friend, one similar to your old one. Or, you could work on being more attractive towards your crush.

18217 -
modifier supprimer 18218 - Réponse de Lillian98 , 14 ans (USA) - 2018-09-12

Um...I don't understand what the problem is.

modifier supprimer 18202 - de Divix170 (France) - 2018-08-05
Autres - "recherche passionné(e) dans le monde subtil du Feng Shui"

FENG SHUI... méthode la boussole


Français, recherche passionné(e) dans le monde subtil du Feng Shui
souhaitant transmettre et offrir gracieusement ses connaissances
et avis à débutant.

Merci à tous

modifier supprimer 18190 - de younes250 , 41 ans (Maroc) - 2018-06-09
Autres - "Astronomie et extraterrestres."

Je veux entrer en contact avec des personnes qui aiment les sciences et qui croient à l'existence des extraterrestres.

modifier supprimer 18173 - de kévin27 , 20 ans (france) - 2018-05-15
Autres - "recherche de correspondant"

bonjour tout le monde je voudrais avoir des correspondant plutôt asiatique ou alors étant un grand fan de mangas des personnes ayant le même intérêt de tout horizon, par contre petit bémole je ne parle pas très bien anglais je me débrouille avec des logiciels que je trouve alors faut m'excuser si se n'est pas compréhensible en traduction pour me contacter hésiter pas a aller voir ma page ou alors sur mon mail : dupont.kevin.kirito1997@gmail.com

modifier supprimer 18165 - de kevin27 , 20 ans (france) - 2018-04-19
Autres - "identifiant oublier"

bonjour j'ai oublier mon identifiant pour me connecter comment je pourrais le retrouver ?

modifier supprimer 18148 - de Eric114 (USA) - 2018-04-05
Autres - "You know what really grinds my gears?"

When people don't put their actual country and put the country they're obsessed about. Because people of those countries you are obsessed about, who are on this site to find specifically international friends/penpals are totally going to be looking in their country to find penpals right? Ridiculous.

modifier supprimer 18121 - de Random guy1 (Malaysia) - 2018-03-26
Autres - "Is it just me that have this problem?"

a few months ago I tried to delete my page (in this site) and it says that I got the wrong password or something. I tried to change my password and try again but the result is the same. I try again today and the result didn't change.Does this problem happens to other people that use this site? Is there a way I can delete my page?

18121 -
modifier supprimer 18122 - Réponse de Nicolas17 (France) - 2018-03-26

Just click on your "Remove" blue button, and then enter your password (limit=10 characters)

modifier supprimer 17959 - de lillian101 , 13 ans (usa) - 2018-01-26
Autres - "Gun control???"

What do you guys think about the possibility of gun control in America?

Here is my opinion:
I think that there should NOT be gun control. Because, the law-abiding people won't be able to defend themselves from criminals, who are just going to kill anyway

17959 -
modifier supprimer 17982 - Réponse de lillian101 , 13 ans (usa) - 2018-01-27

The police don't always arrive on time....

17959 -
modifier supprimer 17977 - Réponse de Andreas229 (Taiwan) - 2018-01-26

Well Britons defend themselves from criminals and have police for that! Guns are a non-issue in the UK. Britons have better safety standards. Americans should follow this examples, I'm sure!

modifier supprimer 17945 - de Lucy250 , 12 ans (China) - 2018-01-20
Autres - "A whimsical question"

I have a queistion
If you could be a boy(or girl)oneday what will you do?😂

17945 -
modifier supprimer 18872 - Réponse de Ari188 , 18 ans (ukraine) - 2024-03-24

if i could be a boy? i don't know. I like my girl body

modifier supprimer 17887 - de Lillian117 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-11-15
Autres - "christiananity, good,or bad>"

what do you think about christians?
do you believe you go to heaven or hell when you die?
why or why not?

17887 -
modifier supprimer 18262 - Réponse de Helene101 , 15 ans (France) - 2019-03-02

Religion is a choice, it depends if you want to believe in it or not. However, we should respect everyone, no matter if he's christian or not, and it is not something that we can qualify with "good or bad"
Personally, I consider religion as a source of power, it let people who believe in it follow it "instructions", it could be positive instructions for example to build beautiful religious monuments, to travel all the way to Jerusalem, to be kind to everyone, as it could be negative instructions like provocating wars and conflicts.

17887 -
modifier supprimer 18096 - Réponse de Soph182 , 14 ans (USA) - 2018-03-08

I am a Protestant. I believe Christians go to heaven but the unrepentant sinner goes to hell. Feel free to email me if you would like to talk about these things!

17887 -
modifier supprimer 17916 - Réponse de Lillian209 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-12-15

You know what else? The Devil is the most beautiful of all angles. I would be very careful thinking this dream was good...

17887 -
modifier supprimer 17908 - Réponse de Régine113 , 51 ans (France) - 2017-12-03

I MADE A DREAM NOT LONG AGO WHERE I SAW A BEAUTIFULL YELLOW AND BLUE LIGHT; i immediatelly felt she was an VERY IMPORTANT entity of the afterlife. She was gentle and peacefull. Dreams are said to be the cousins of death.

17887 -
modifier supprimer 17907 - Réponse de Régine113 , 51 ans (France) - 2017-12-03

I think Christianity is nowadays the less dangerous, women are free to be married or not, to have children or not, to rule their life.But unfortunatelly catholicism and for instance is an obstacle to all of this. Protestants and Ortodoxs are far more tolerant.

modifier supprimer 17855 - de Kacper28 (Poland) - 2017-10-19
Autres - "Small problem"

Hi everyone!
I have a problem. I can't send a message :/ I do all thing good because in the past I can send. Do you have some ideas ?

17855 -
modifier supprimer 17857 - Réponse de Webmaster51 (France) - 2017-10-20

Hello Kacper,
your IP address has been blacklisted, sorry. Somebody used this address to send a lot of spam.

modifier supprimer 17796 - de Cydnee235 , 10 ans (USA) - 2017-09-13
Autres - "Our Country"

We must all remeber who fought for us and who still is! Our Country is beautiful!!!
God bless the USA!!!!!

17796 -
modifier supprimer 17859 - Réponse de lilly101 , 13 ans (USA) - 2017-10-24

Yes!!! we`ve fallen so far though. let`s hope we are safe!

modifier supprimer 17539 - de oh195 , 20 ans (korean) - 2017-06-10
Autres - "public administration"

i like my major,public administration.
and i think the most ideal model of P.A is North Europe's model.(like Denmark,Sweden)
so i want to study that model of P.A in there.(maybe 3years later, NOT NOW)
but... what should i prepare? i just want to learn P.A of northen euroup.
but in korea P.A theory is brought from U.S. so all about U.S not EU.

modifier supprimer 17516 - de Korla10 (USA) - 2017-05-22
Autres - "After the Transplant"

I have a very close family member who will be getting a kidney transplant at a very good well known hospital.
She has been with in her health for a while and I am glad she has finally decided to take the transplant route
and has easily found a donor. Does anyone what happens after the kidney transplant and how did it fair for others you know?

modifier supprimer 17472 - de Soph182 (United States) - 2017-04-27
Autres - "The draft"

Trump in reinstating the draft for both men and women. I do not believe that women should be in the draft. What are your thoughts?

17472 -
modifier supprimer 18309 - Réponse de Sophia213 , 15 ans (US) - 2019-07-08

I think that both men and women should be drafted simply because if women want to be considered equal, they also need to take the same responsibilities as men. As a side note, I don't think people should be drafted in the first place because there are better ways to solve problems than wars.

17472 -
modifier supprimer 17861 - Réponse de Lillian101 , 12 ans (USA) - 2017-10-24

soph, i agree.

17472 -
modifier supprimer 17560 - Réponse de Soph182 (United States) - 2017-06-20

Men are supposed to be the protectors not women. There are distinct differences between men and women. I don't want anyone to feel bad or have pity. I just think it's stupid and wrong.

17472 -
modifier supprimer 17547 - Réponse de Matthew80 , 15 ans (United States) - 2017-06-17

You people are absolutely disgusting. How is a woman's life and more worthy than a man's? How is it okay if men are shot at, and not women? Furthermore, THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT NEED A DRAFT! There's no reason for us to have a big military, and we've brought so many problems onto ourselves due to it, not to mention becoming the laughingstock of the rest of the Western word. And Soph, I don't feel bad for you at all... you're the one that wanted to vote Trump in to begin with. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but that is just the way it is.....

17472 -
modifier supprimer 17483 - Réponse de guest229 (europe) - 2017-05-05

No, i'm not. I think feminism is not a good thing.

17472 -
modifier supprimer 17482 - Réponse de Soph182 (United States) - 2017-05-05

Haha. Are you a feminist?

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