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Vous êtes dans le Forum des ENSEIGNANTS (petites annonces).
Projets scolaires, Correspondance/Jumelage entre classes, Partenariat, Messages...
Cliquez ici et insérez votre annonce (réservé aux enseignants) !

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modifier supprimer 131646 - de Melanie167 (Canada) - 2024-04-10
Ecole Primaire - "Recherche correspondant"

Je suis responsable d'un service de garde en milieu scolaire, et nous aimerions correspondre avec une classe d'enfants âgées entre 6 et 12 ans.
Notre thème annuel sera le tour du monde en 180 jours. On aimerait faire voyager nos élèves au travers des lettres en correspondance.
On pourrait parler de nos cultures, la température, les sports , la nourriture, bref tous sujets pertinents.
merci de nous répondre rapidement, car l'année scolaire va débuter au mois de septembre 2024.

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modifier supprimer 131651 - Réponse de Isabelle171 (France) - 2024-04-20 >> NEW

Je n'avais pas regardé le site depuis quelques jours j'espère qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour répondre à votre annonce. Les élèves de l'école ont entre 6 et 11 ans. Parler de nos ressemblances et de nos différences est un support d'échanges toujours très enrichissant.

modifier supprimer 131613 - de Isabelle171 (France) - 2024-04-03
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondence with a class of pupils 7 -8 years"

Hello, we are a class from south of France. We would like to exchange texts, photos, videos about way of life: our schools, our towns,our lanscapes, sports, cooking ....
We can write en french, english, german or spanish or catalan.
Thank you

modifier supprimer 131607 - de Mélissa0 (France) - 2024-03-27
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondence project france."

Hello everyone, I am in charge of management in a structure in Luxembourg (near France, Belgium, and Germany). Our children speak several languages, such as English. If possible, I would like to set up a correspondence project between two schools. The goal is to allow them to speak the English language, but also to allow them to discover different cultures/customs. If you are interested in our project, do not hesitate to contact me, we would be delighted to start this project.
Thank you =)

modifier supprimer 131604 - de Michelle107 (USA) - 2024-03-26
Ecole Primaire - "Penpals for US students!"

Hello! I am a fourth grade teacher in Phoenix, Arizona. My class is learning about Ancient Greece; culture, food, history, and all about the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

We would love to write and receive letters from students who live in Greece! Please let me know if you would like to meet us!

modifier supprimer 131597 - de Aurore90 (France) - 2024-03-24
Ecole Primaire - "Classe de CM2 (9-10 ans) échange avec une classe - continent"

Je suis enseignante en classe de CM2. L'année prochaine je souhaiterais mettre en place un projet de correspondance (lettre, mail...) avec une école du continent Africain afin que mes élèves puissent connaître une culture différente et mettre plus de sens à la production d'écrit.

Vous pouvez m'écrire par mail si vous êtes intéressés.

modifier supprimer 131593 - de Debbie219 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-03-21
Ecole Primaire - "French Primary Penpals wanted"

I am a French teacher in a primary school in the north of England looking to pair up with a school anywhere in France or another French speaking country. My pupils are aged 7-11. We would like to form a connection with a school who would be willing to correspond with us by letter.
Please get in touch if you would like to do this. Thank you.

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modifier supprimer 131647 - Réponse de Véronique130 (France) - 2024-04-14

Bonjour, je suis enseignante près de Lyon en France et j'aurai une classe de CE2 (8-9 ans) à la rentrée de septembre. Je suis intéressée pour des échanges en français ou en anglais sur tout sujet que nous choisirons ensemble. Qu'en penses-tu ?

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modifier supprimer 131603 - Réponse de Debbie27 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-03-26

Sounds good. I have emailed you with some info.

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modifier supprimer 131596 - Réponse de Debbie94 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-03-23

Hi I have emailed you.

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modifier supprimer 131595 - Réponse de Clémence48 (France) - 2024-03-23

Je suis enseignante en classe de CM1-CM2 (17 élèves, âgés entre 9 et 11 ans) en France et je cherche à les faire échanger par lettre ou mail avec des élèves anglophones. Dans un premier temps, qu’ils reçoivent une lettre en anglais et qu’ils y répondent en français, afin de s’axer sur la compréhension de lecture. Et dans un second temps, de répondre en anglais.
Dites-moi si cela vous intéresse et si cela peut se faire en fonction aussi du nombre d’élèves que vous avez.

modifier supprimer 131552 - de Nicole246 (Allemagne) - 2024-03-07
Ecole Primaire - "Penpals English"

We are a class 4 in Germany (9/10y) with 24 boys and girls and would love
to write letters with English speaking kids till summer when primary school ends!!

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modifier supprimer 131553 - Réponse de ΜΙΝΑ49 (Grèce) - 2024-03-09

I run a language school in Athens, Greece. We would be more than interested in exchanging letters with your school. If you are interested, we can arrange the details asap.
Thank you in advance,

modifier supprimer 131542 - de Mansart90 (France) - 2024-03-02
Ecole Primaire - ""Lok for pen pals in Ireland / Primary school""

Dear colleagues,
I am taking the liberty of making this message public because as the director of our school (nursery school) I am looking for a partner school in Ireland to establish a match.
Our students are between 3 and 6 years old and we start learning English at 3 years old. They are able to make basic sentences and with our help. They would also be happy to go further and discover things about Ireland as part of our Ireland project.
We would be happy if our proposal interests you.
Please feel free to ask me any questions and I hope to contact you very soon,
Thank you so much,

modifier supprimer 131540 - de Hanifa165 (Indonésie) - 2024-02-29
Ecole Primaire - "Educational game based on puzzle"

hello, I am an elementary school teacher in Indonesia I need ideas to create an Educational game using puzzles, please contact me

modifier supprimer 131535 - de Simon176 (Allemagne) - 2024-02-26
Ecole Primaire - "Pen pals for EFL class in Germany (year 6)"

Hey there! I teach a year 6 (10-11 years old) in a German comprehensive school and I am looking for a snail mail exchange with schools from Ireland/the UK/the US/Australia/NZ. Since my kids are at the start of their language journey it would be preferable to find students of a similar age range. Conversing in English is preferred. We can tell you loads about our school, our city, the German culture and all sorts of questions you might have!

modifier supprimer 131533 - de Mary30 (Italie) - 2024-02-22
Ecole Primaire - "Pen friends (8-11y) - english learners"


My name is Mary, and I am the owner of a private language school in Italy. I have students ranging from 3 to 50 years old. Some of my primary school students (aged 8-11) would love to participate in an email/letter exchange program. I have more than 30 students interested in. If you are interested, we would love to hear from another school where English is being taught.

Thank you,


131533 -
modifier supprimer 131536 - Réponse de Erika Sherwell Hadad193 (Mexique) - 2024-02-26

Hi! I teach middle school and highschool students. I would love to see if our students can talk and write to each other to practice and improve their English. I'm in Mexico.

modifier supprimer 131530 - de Sarah60 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-02-19
Ecole Primaire - "Pen friends"

I am a French teacher in the UK looking to set up a pen friend scheme with a school in Guadeloupe. I have a mixed class of 27 pupils in Year 5 (aged 9-10) who would like to exchange letters or emails with French speaking children to find out about life in Guadeloupe and improve their French. Please contact me on the email address provided.

modifier supprimer 131523 - de Lacey171 (USA) - 2024-02-13
Ecole Primaire - "Looking to match my 4th grade classes with Pen Pals"


My name is Lacey. I am a 4th grade teacher in West Virginia. I am hoping to find another teacher who would like to partner up to start a pen pal program. My students are aged 8-9. I am hoping that they will learn writing and communication skills.

We would need an English-speaking class or one who is learning English.

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modifier supprimer 131650 - Réponse de Alex38 (Taïwan) - 2024-04-19 >> NEW

I teach content based ESL at a public elementary school in Taichung, Taiwan. I have a class of 5th graders (16) that would benefit a lot from communicating with other students in English. Their proficiency is probably around grade 2 on average, but their interests are typical for 5th grade. They could learn a lot by speaking with students from another culture!

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modifier supprimer 131606 - Réponse de Mélissa0 (France) - 2024-03-27

Hello Madam, I am in charge of management in a structure in Luxembourg (close to France, Belgium, and Germany). We children speak several languages, such as English. If possible, I would like to set up a correspondence project between our two schools. The idea is to allow them to speak the English language, but also to allow them to discover different cultures/customs. Are you interested in our project?
Thank you =)

131523 -
modifier supprimer 131528 - Réponse de Maryne179 (France) - 2024-02-16

Hello, I'm a French teacher. I have 10 year old students and I would like to participate in a written correspondence with an English-speaking class.

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modifier supprimer 131525 - Réponse de Imma61 (Italie) - 2024-02-14

Hello, I am a primary school teacher. My student are eight/nine years old. I am pleased that the students can write other companions from different countries. Write us soon Thank youTu

modifier supprimer 131522 - de Selvandieu115 (Haïti) - 2024-02-13
Ecole Primaire - "Very serious school correspondence project for my children from Haiti"


I am MEME Selvandieu Founder of a large Foundation on the name of Spiritual Backup from Haiti and head of a large Association of several schools in the 10 departments of the country. So it is with great pleasure to enter into school correspondence relationship with you from Haiti. Already our children are ready.6-18 years old.

May God bless you even more in the precious name of JESUS CHRIST.
mail: moiseranise@gmail.com

modifier supprimer 131501 - de Matthew30 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-01-28
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondants - anglais/francais"

Je suis responsable des langues étrangères modernes dans une école avec des élèves âgés de 5 à 13 ans près de Reading, en Angleterre. Je voudrais établir des liens avec une école du monde francophone ; soit en Europe, soit ailleurs. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si cette idée vous intéresse.

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modifier supprimer 131598 - Réponse de Melanie48 (Canada) - 2024-03-24

Bonjour, nous sommes un service de garde dans une école de 130 élèves âgé de 4 à 12 ans .
Nous aimerions correspondre avec des enfants d’un autre pays afin de leur enseigner d’autre cultures. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous êtes intéressés à correspondre ensemble. Au plaisir des enfants.

131501 -
modifier supprimer 131567 - Réponse de Oumar sadio214 (Sénégal) - 2024-03-17

Je suis le responsable d'une école préscolaire et élémentaire a Dakar (Sénégal ) .
Je suis intéressé par le jumelage ou une correspondance scolaire avec votre école .
Contactez moi au :tontonsadio@gmail.com

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modifier supprimer 131529 - Réponse de Maryne179 (France) - 2024-02-16

Bonjour, je suis enseignante dans le nord de la France. J'ai des élèves de 9/10ans et j'aimerais correspondre avec une classe anglophone. Contactez-moi pour plus d'information.

modifier supprimer 131483 - de Jean254 (Taïwan) - 2024-01-22
Ecole Primaire - "letter exchange"

Hello, we have a English club held by-week. We're learning about making stories and wiring some still photographes. For next semester, we may change stories and write something to introduce ourselves. If you are interested in this kind of project. Please contact here.

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modifier supprimer 131602 - Réponse de Sophie50 (Corée) - 2024-03-26

hello, I am interested in the project.
How old are your students? my students are 12 years old (7th graders)
If the age is the same, I hope to match with your class.

modifier supprimer 131482 - de MAGALI175 (France) - 2024-01-20
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondance scolaire CM2"

Bonjour, je souhaite pouvoir mettre en place une correspondance scolaire avec ma classe de 28 CM2 et une classe francophone canadienne. Nous allons très bientôt travailler sur le Canada et je trouverais cela intéressant de pouvoir échanger avec des élèves.
Merci de m'écrire si vous êtes intéressés.

modifier supprimer 131454 - de Camille95 (France) - 2024-01-06
Ecole Primaire - "Echanges"

Je suis enseignante dans une classe de CE2-CM1 avec 23 élèves. Cette année, nous travaillons beaucoup sur le thème du monde. J'aimerai donc pouvoir mener des échanges, un projet, avec une classe d'un pays étranger, afin d'ouvrir les élèves à une nouvelle culture et vivre une expérience enrichissante !
N'hésitez pas à m'écrire.

I'm a teacher in a CE2-CM1 class with 23 pupils. This year, we're working a lot on the theme of the world. I'd like to be able to organise an exchange or project with a class in a foreign country, to introduce the pupils to a new culture and have an enriching experience!
Don't hesitate to write to me.

131454 -
modifier supprimer 131514 - Réponse de Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-09

Hello! This is Molly Wilson, a teacher from Iowa in the USA. I am an English Language Learner teacher in an elementary school. I have a group of 4th grade EL students that are wanting pen pals so they can practice using their English writing skills in an authentic way. I see that you just posted your request about a month ago. My students, who are all Hispanic, would be thrilled if we could connect with another class in another country. Thank you!

131454 -
modifier supprimer 131471 - Réponse de abdeddaim143 (Maroc) - 2024-01-14

Nous sommes des élèves du Maroc, nous habitons à Moulay Bousselham; une station balnéaire à 100 km au nord du Rabat la capitale du Maroc.
Nous cherchons des correspondants âgés entre 9 et 11 ans pour connaitre d autres cultures et aussi pour améliorer notre français.

modifier supprimer 131452 - de stéphane193 (France) - 2023-12-28
Ecole Primaire - "correspondance france-Inde"

Ma classe de CM1 ( 22 élèves de 8/9 ans) commence à apprendre l'anglais mais surtout j'ai la conviction du bien de l'ouvrir à la rencontre d'une autre culture.
Si vous êtes intéressé, n'hésitez pas à m'écrire. a bientôt

131452 -
modifier supprimer 131518 - Réponse de ABDEDDAIM89 (Maroc) - 2024-02-12

Nous sommes des élèves du Maroc, nous habitons à Moulay Bousselham; une station balnéaire à 100 km au nord du Rabat la capitale du Maroc.
Nous cherchons des correspondants âgés entre 9 et 11 ans pour connaitre d autres cultures et aussi pour améliorer notre français.

modifier supprimer 131440 - de Marie66 (France) - 2023-12-13
Ecole Primaire - "Pen Pal exchange for 9 years old pupils"

Hello ~

I'm Marie, a French school teacher. I'm in South of France (metropolitan).

I have 25 students and I would like to create an exchange with an english speaking class (from India, Uk, USA, Canada, Australia, ...).

Don't hesitate to contact me !


131440 -
modifier supprimer 131516 - Réponse de Marie174 (France) - 2024-02-10

Hello Molly !

It's a pleasure to meet you.

So far, I didn't any response, indeed. I've started to despair haha
So, it's really great to hear from you.

I would love to share a project with you and your students.

What would you prefer for our exchanges? We have some computers in our school so our students can type letters or mails.
How many students do you have ?

Don't hesitate if you have any question. I would love to hear your ideas as well.

It's the first time I'm planning a pen pals project with my students so I'm excited and I've got ideas.

See you soon ~


131440 -
modifier supprimer 131515 - Réponse de Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-09

Hello Marie! I was excited to see how you posted a penpal request in December, but I didn't see that anyone responded to you. My name is Molly Wilson and I'm an English Language teacher in an elementary school here in Iowa, in the center of the U.S. I have a group of Hispanic students in 4th grade (ages 9-11) that are wanting pen pals so they can practice authentic English writing. If you'd still be interested, that would be great! I look forward to hearing from you.

modifier supprimer 131393 - de Cathy66 (Corée) - 2023-11-17
Ecole Primaire - "looking for 4 penpal partners who is 11-12 years old"

Hello! I am a teacher in the Korea and I teach the 6th graders in private institution.
The students in my class are 11-12 years old.
we want to exchange letters with teenagers abroad. I would like to match individual students, so I am looking for another 4 students. The main goal in to practice writing skills and use the English language.
Later when we get comfortable each other, we would like to exchange snack gifts, too.
The sooner, the better! we are ready to start!
Would love to hear from you!

Greetings from Korea,

131393 -
modifier supprimer 131394 - Réponse de Eunmi123 (Corée) - 2023-11-17

There is a typo in my email address. My email address is ahaem@naver.com
Have a nice day :)

modifier supprimer 131370 - de Miri69 (Israël) - 2023-11-04
Ecole Primaire - "Elementary school penpals"

I teach in 6th grade elementary school in Israel
We are looking for a class to have a penpal project.

modifier supprimer 131365 - de Soso134 (France) - 2023-11-02
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondance avec une classe anglophone de primaire qui apprend le français"

Je suis professeure des écoles d'une classe de CE2 de 23 élèves (8-9ans) en France, près de Paris et je cherche des correspondants anglophones pour mes élèves. Mes élèves écriront en anglais. 
Si vous êtes intéressé.e.s par ce projet ou que vous connaissez des collègues qui pourraient être intéressés, merci de me répondre. 
Bonne journée :)


I am a teacher of a year 4 class of 23 students (8-9 years) in France, very close to Paris and i am looking for english-speaking penpals for my students. My students will write in english. 
If you are interested in this project or know colleagues who might be interested, please let me know. 
Have a nice day :)


131365 -
modifier supprimer 131524 - Réponse de Lacey171 (USA) - 2024-02-13

I hope it is not too late. I would like to pair up with you to connect my students with yours. If you are interested, please let me know. My students are in 4th grade and are 8-9 years old.

modifier supprimer 131364 - de abdeddaim179 (Maroc) - 2023-11-01
Ecole Primaire - "correspondance scolaire"

Nous sommes des élèves du Maroc, nous habitons à Moulay Bousselham; une station balnéaire à 100 km au nord du Rabat la capitale du Maroc.
Nous cherchons des correspondants âgés entre 9 et 11 ans pour connaitre d autres cultures et aussi pour améliorer notre français.

131364 -
modifier supprimer 131470 - Réponse de abdeddaim143 (France) - 2024-01-14

voici mon émail : smimou9@gmail.com

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modifier supprimer 131372 - Réponse de Soso134 (France) - 2023-11-06

Je suis enseignante en France, près de Paris et je suis intéressée par votre proposition. Cependant, mes élèves ont entre 8-9ans (seulement deux vont avoir 10ans cette année).
Merci de me répondre si vous êtes intéressé.

Merci !

modifier supprimer 131331 - de Riana210 (France) - 2023-10-17
Ecole Primaire - "Student wanted to teach English in France"

I am looking for an Irish student that wants to improve their French by living with a host family in France for 3 months.
If you are interested, please contact me so I an tell you more.

modifier supprimer 131330 - de Donatella14 (Italie) - 2023-10-17
Ecole Primaire - "Looking for UK penpals"

Hi everyone!

I am a Year 5 Primary school teacher from the North-East of Italy. I teach 9-10 years old kids and I am looking for a class of 16 from UK to become penpals, practise letter writing in English and find out information and details about a different culture.
We really hope to receive your kind reply. Thanks for your support - I'm very excited to get in contact with you and your class!
Please email to donatellalepore3@gmail.com

modifier supprimer 131328 - de Flo79 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-10-16
Ecole Primaire - "Recherche de correspondants avec un pays francophone"

J'enseigne dans une ecole primaire pres de Birmingham. Je recherche une ecole dans un pays francophone pour correspondre par lettres avec mes eleves. Nous ecrivons en francais et nos correspondant peuvent repondre en anglais.
Merci, Flo

131328 -
modifier supprimer 131407 - Réponse de Aafke103 (France) - 2023-11-22

Hello there!
I teach English in a secondary school in Pas-de-Calais, France. I'm looking for British pen pals for my 7th year students. They would write in English of course, and would love to receive an answer in French.
Please contact me if you are interested.

131328 -
modifier supprimer 131397 - Réponse de Pierre189 (France) - 2023-11-19

Bonjour Flo,

Je m'appelle Pierre, et j'enseigne l'anglais au Collège International Vauban à Strasbourg. Je cherche une classe pour mettre en place une correspondance avec mes sixièmes en section allemande. Ce sont des élèves très motivé.e.s, qui apprennent l'anglais depuis cette année pour la plupart, et qui seraient très heureux/-euses de correspondre avec des élèves anglophones de leur âge.

N'hésite pas à m'envoyer un message si tu es intéressée !

Très bonne journée,


131328 -
modifier supprimer 131363 - Réponse de Sarah169 (France) - 2023-11-01

Je suis enseignante de CE2 dans la banlieue parisienne. J’ai 21 élèves de 8-9 ans. N’hésite pas à me contacter si ça t’intéresse que nos élèves soient correspondants.


modifier supprimer 131321 - de Maria67 (Espagne) - 2023-10-12
Ecole Primaire - "Looking for English Speaking pen pals"

Hi, there! I´m an ESL teacher looking for teachers interested in exchaging letters.
I have 29 pupils of 10/11 years old who are eager to have pen pals via postal mail.
If you are interested, please write to me!

131321 -
modifier supprimer 131532 - Réponse de Mary30 (Italie) - 2024-02-22

Hello, My name is Mary and I own a private language school in Italy. I have students ranging from 3 to 50 years old. Some of my primary school students (aged 8-11) would love to participate in an email/letter exchange program. I have more than 20 students interested in this particular programme!

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modifier supprimer 131389 - Réponse de Leah25 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-11-16

Hi, I am a teacher of children aged 11-13 and I am looking for a pen pal exchange with a Spanish school.

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modifier supprimer 131379 - Réponse de Jack242 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-11-12

Hi Maria,

I have a school in South- West Cornwall, Britain, who would love to take part in a language exchange with you. He is a Spanish teacher and has two classes - one with 21 students and the other with 24 students. Do you have another class/ teacher who would also like to take part?


131321 -
modifier supprimer 131346 - Réponse de Robin122 (USA) - 2023-10-24

I have 8-9 year old students and would love to exchange things as pen pals. Open to anything. Post cards, Skype calls, letters…from Michigan, USA.

131321 -
modifier supprimer 131324 - Réponse de Sue30 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-10-14

Hi Maria,

I have emailed you.

modifier supprimer 131320 - de Ellie228 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-10-12
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondance entre le Royaume Uni et des écoles d'Outre mer"

Bonjour !

Je suis professeure des écoles à Leicester, au Royaume Uni. J’enseigne des enfants agés de 7 ans à 11 ans et j’aimerais bein faire des liens entre mon école (Hazel Community Primary School) et des écoles d'Outre mer – sutout le Guadeloupe et La Réunion - qui souhaiterait correspondre avec. Nous pourrions ainsi échanger sur différents themes aussi sur la vie de la classe au quotidien.

Si l’idée vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à me contacter (echettlecully@hazel.leicester.sch.uk).

Bien cordialement,



I’m a primary school teacher in Leicester, UK. I teach French to children aged between 7 and 11 years old and I would like to make links between my school (Hazel Community Primary School) and French-speaking overseas regions – especially Guadeloupe and Reunion Island – who would like to work with us. We could correspond on various themes as well as the everyday life of the class.

If this idea interests you, don’t hesitate to contact me (echettlecully@hazel.leicester.sch.uk).

Kind regards,


modifier supprimer 131274 - de Karine220 (France) - 2023-10-01
Ecole Primaire - "Looking for nw friends from all over the world"

I have a class of 25 children, year 5 (9-10 years old). They learn English.
We would like to exchange cards, letters, snail mails, ...and any other ideas to help us with our learning the English language.
We are eager to hear from you.

131274 -
modifier supprimer 131415 - Réponse de Roksana241 (Pologne) - 2023-11-26

I am interested

modifier supprimer 131269 - de Sue30 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-09-30
Ecole Primaire - "Seeking pen pals for English/Spanish exchange"


I have a class of 30 children, year 4 (aged 8) who are beginning to learn Spanish.

We would like to exchange cards, hand-made gifts, letters, videos and any other ideas to help us with our learning the Spanish language.

131269 -
modifier supprimer 131323 - Réponse de Maria67 (Espagne) - 2023-10-12

Hi Sue,
My pupils are 10/11 years old and could write in Spanish and in English.What do you think?
If you are interested, just write to mariamazzanti@escolasantsebastia.cat

modifier supprimer 131268 - de Neus176 (Espagne) - 2023-09-30
Ecole Primaire - "Penpals for 5 graders"

Hello there!
I’m teaching English as a foreign language to two groups of 5 graders (10-11 year olds, 45 students in total). I would like to find a similar group to exchange some letters and postcards with.
I want to provide them with a real context in which they can use English, talk about their daily life, the things they like, their cities/countries… pretty standard. :)
I came here looking for another ESL teacher, so that the language level can be more similar, but if your kids are native English speakers and yiu think this would work for you, I’m open to suggestions.
Thanks for reading! Hope you’re interested!

131268 -
modifier supprimer 131511 - Réponse de Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-08

Hello! I see that you might already have pen pals established for your class, but I'm from the U.S. My name is Molly Wilson and I'm an ELL teacher from the state of Iowa in the center of the U.S. I have about 15 fourth grade EL students that are wanting pen pals. They are all Hispanic students so I thought maybe students from Spain would be a good match. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

131268 -
modifier supprimer 131391 - Réponse de Leah25 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-11-16

Hi, I teach Spanish to children aged 11-13. And we'd be looking for an exchange. Where we write in Spanish and you write in English.

131268 -
modifier supprimer 131382 - Réponse de Neus176 (Espagne) - 2023-11-13

Hi Jack! I've just emailed you! Letting you know, in case it went to spam >_<

131268 -
modifier supprimer 131380 - Réponse de Jack242 (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-11-12

Hello there,

I also have a school with 45 students in Year 6 (10-11) who would love to take part in this letter exchange with your class. We are located in Conrwall, South West England in a town called Calstock. Let me know if you are still searching for a school.

Best wishes,

modifier supprimer 131264 - de Tatiana12 (Réunion) - 2023-09-29
Ecole Primaire - "Correspondance Espagnol/Français"

Je m’appelle Tatiana et je suis professeur des écoles à L’île de la Réunion.
J’ai une classe de CM1 et mes élèves ont 9-10 ans.
J’ai une classe EMILE espagnol et mes élèves étudient cette langue depuis la grande section.
Je recherche une collègue espagnol qui souhaiterait faire de la correspondance avec ma classe pour partager autour de plusieurs thématiques.
Nous envisageons également de réaliser un voyage scolaire en Espagne pour l’année 2024-2025 et je souhaite donc mener ce projet sur le long terme avec la collègue.
Mi nombre es Tatiana y soy maestra de escuela en la Isla de la Reunión.
Tengo una clase de CM1 y mis alumnos tienen entre 9 y 10 años.
Tengo una clase de español CLIL y mis alumnos han estado aprendiendo este idioma desde la sección senior.
Estoy buscando un colega español que quiera mantener correspondencia con mi clase para compartir sobre varios temas.
También estamos planeando un viaje escolar a España para el año 2024-2025 y por eso deseo llevar a cabo este proyecto a largo plazo con el colega.

modifier supprimer 131256 - de Marina131 (France) - 2023-09-27
Ecole Primaire - "Children's songs of the world"

Good morning,
I am a kindergarten teacher and I want to take a musical world tour by offering my students children's nursery rhymes and Christmas carols from different countries.
If you have nursery rhymes and/or Christmas carols, I am very interested in your sharing.
In advance, many thanks! Marina

modifier supprimer 131255 - de Marina131 (France) - 2023-09-27
Ecole Primaire - "Comptines et chants de Noël du monde"

Je suis enseignante en maternelle (Ps-Ms) et je souhaite faire un tour du monde musical en proposant à mes élèves des comptines enfantines et des chants de Noël de différents pays.
Si vous êtes en possession de comptines et/ou chants de Noël, je suis fortement intéressée par vos partages.
Par avance, mille mercis ! Marina

modifier supprimer 131234 - de Omayra71 (Espagne) - 2023-09-21
Ecole Primaire - "Penpal exchange"

My name is Omayra and I am an English teacher in Spain. I am interested in launching a penpal project in my school. It is situated in a small village in Burgos (in the north of Spain) and I have 40 students aged 10-11 (5th grade) and 38 students aged 11-12 (6th grade).
I would like to exchange letters, postcards related to different topics... once a month or every two months. Their English level is A1.

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Greetings from Spain.

131234 -
modifier supprimer 131568 - Réponse de Marie-Helene86 (Grande Bretagne) - 2024-03-18

Enseño español y mis estudiantes tienen 8-11años. Queriamos empezar escribir a ' penpals', individual o en clase.

131234 -
modifier supprimer 131510 - Réponse de Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-08

Hello! I see that you might already have pen pals established in Poland, but I wanted to see if you still might be interested in a class from the U.S.A. My name is Molly Wilson and I'm an ELL teacher in the state of Iowa, in the middle of the U.S. I have about 15 fourth grade Hispanic students that are learning English and wanting an authentic experience of writing in English. Since you're from Spain, I thought my students might like to hear from them. I look forward to hearing from you.

131234 -
modifier supprimer 131416 - Réponse de Roksana241 (Pologne) - 2023-11-26

I am interested.My e-mail:lingua.house@wp.pl

131234 -
modifier supprimer 131289 - Réponse de Anna202 (Pologne) - 2023-10-05

Hola Omayra, I also teach English in a primary school, in the 5th and 6th grade. The number of your students is more or less the same as mine, so I think we could match the penpals 1:1. We are also interested in exchanging letters, postcards, magnets etc. to let the kids have the opportunity to learn about our countries and English language at the same time. Greetings from Poland

modifier supprimer 131232 - de Paquita Vilarrodona192 (Espagne) - 2023-09-20
Ecole Primaire - "exchange snail mail"

I'm teaching English in a small village in Spain. Sixteen of my students are 11 years old (6th grade) and twenty of my students are 10 years old (5th grade). I would like to exchange letters in English (snail mail) once per term.
If you are interested, please contact me!


131232 -
modifier supprimer 131509 - Réponse de Molly56 (USA) - 2024-02-08

Hello! My name is Molly Wilson. I'm an ELL teacher in the state of Iowa in the center of the United States. I have a group of EL 4th graders that I'm wanting to find pen pals for so they can practice their English skills in writing and reading, especially, in an authentic way. I know the school year is already half over, but I thought I'd reach out to see who might still be interested. I have about 15 students, but they could write to more than one students if you have more than that for students. I look forward to hearing from you.

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