Countries of the World
¡Chile no es una comida! ^_^ - Political and Cultural
Political and Cultural
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Salvador Isabelino Allende Gossens (June 26, 1908 – September 11, 1973) was President of Chile from November 1970 until his death during the coup d'état of September 11, 1973.

Allende's career in Chilean government spanned nearly forty years. As a Socialist Party politician, he became a senator, deputy, cabinet minister and after failing in the 1952, 1958, and 1964 presidential elections, he was elected President in 1970. He was the first Marxist leader of a nation to gain power through democratic process.

Just prior to the capture of La Moneda (the Presidential Palace), with gunfire and explosions clearly audible in the background, Allende made what would become a famous farewell speech to Chileans on live radio, speaking of himself in the past tense, of his love for Chile and of his deep faith in its future. He stated that his commitment to Chile did not allow him to take an easy way out and be used as a propaganda tool by those he called "traitors" (accepting an offer of safe passage), clearly implying he intended to fight to the end.

Shortly afterwards, Allende took his own life. An official announcement declared that he had committed suicide with an automatic rifle, purportedly the AK-47 assault rifle given to him as a gift by Fidel Castro, which bore a golden plate engraved "To my good friend Salvador from Fidel, who by different means tries to achieve the same goals."

In his 2004 documentary Salvador Allende, Patricio Guzmán incorporates a graphic image of Allende's corpse in the position it was found after his death. According to Guzmán's documentary, Allende simply shot himself with a gun, and not a rifle.

President Salvador Allende's farewell speech, September 11, 1973:

"Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Keep in mind that, much sooner than later, the great avenues will again be opened through which will pass free men to construct a better society. Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!"

Text from Wikipedia English

Violeta Parra

Memoria chilena

Symbolize the Chilean popular music.

"Run Run se fue pa'l Norte"

"Qué dirá el Santo Padre"

Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval (October 14, 1917 – February 5, 1967) was a notable Chilean folklorist and visual artist. She set the basis for "New Song," La Nueva Canción chilena, a renewal and a reinvention of Chilean folk music which would absorb and extend its influence far beyond Chile.

Parra was born in San Carlos, province of Ñuble, a small town in southern Chile.

She was involved in the progressive movement and the Communist Party of Chile.

She revived the Peña, (now known as La Peña de Los Parra). A Peña is a community center for the arts and for political activism. Some think she established the first 'peña' but according to the records of the Royal Academy of Spanish Language, places such as these had been called that since 1936. During the government of martyred President Salvador Allende there were Peñas mushrooming all over Chile. These were subsequently banned by the military regime that toppled the Allende government, making exiles and political prisoners out of whole sectors of the Chilean artistic and intellectual community. Nevertheless, there are still many Peñas operating throughout Chile, Latin America, North America, Europe, and Australia. They continue to serve the expat communities that fled Chile after the coup on September 11, 1973 that overthrew President Salvador Allende.

Violeta Parra was a member of the prolific Parra family. Her brother is the notable modern poet, better known as the "anti-poet", Nicanor Parra. Her son, Ángel Parra, and her daughter, Isabel Parra, were also important figures in the development of Nueva Canción Chilena. Their children have also mostly maintained the family's artistic traditions.

Text from Wikipedia English

Víctor Jara

Fundación Víctor Jara


Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez (September 28, 1932 – September 15, 1973) was a Chilean teacher, theatre director, poet, singer-songwriter, and political activist. A distinguished theatre director, he devoted himself to the development of Chilean theatre, directing a broad array of works from locally produced Chilean plays, to the classics of the world stage, to the experimental work of Ann Jellicoe. Simultaneously he developed in the field of music and played a pivotal role among neo-folkloric artists who established the Nueva Canción Chilena (New Chilean Song) movement which led to a revolution in the popular music of his country under the Salvador Allende government. Shortly after the U.S. backed September 11, 1973 Chilean coup he was arrested, tortured and ultimately machine gunned to death - his body was later thrown out into the street of a shanty town in Santiago. The contrast between the themes of his songs, on love, peace and social justice and the brutal way in which he was murdered transformed Jara into a symbol of struggle for human rights and justice across Latin America.

Allende's campaign was successful and, in 1970, he was elected president of Chile. However, the US-supported Chilean military, who opposed Allende's politics, staged a coup on September 11, 1973, in the course of which Allende died (See Allende's death). At the moment of the coup, Jara was on the way to the Technical University (today Universidad de Santiago), where he was a teacher. That night he slept at the university along with other teachers and students, and sang to raise morale.

Text from Wikipedia English


El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido


Candombe para José


Los Jaivas

Todos Juntos


Hijos de la Tierra

Canciones de Víctor Jara interpretadas por Inti Illimani.

Víctor Jara' songs played by Inti Illimani.

El Aparecido

La Partida

Marcha Estudiantil contra LGE en Santiago de Chile 2008.

Students Demonstration against LGE (Ley General de Educacion) in Santiago, Chile 2008.

Students Demonstration for a Public Education. 2008 Santiago, Chile.

Music: Victor Jara - Canto Libre. Violeta Parra - La Carta.

Fundación Gladys Marín

Gladys Marín, la vida es hoy

Gladys del Carmen Marín Millie (July 16, 1941 – March 6, 2005) was a Chilean activist and political figure. She was Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Chile (PCCh) (1994-2002) and then president of the PCCh until her death. She was a staunch opponent of General Augusto Pinochet and filed the first lawsuit against him, in which she accused him of committing human rights violations during his seventeen-year dictatorship.

Marín was born in Curepto, in the Maule region to peasant Heraclio Marín and school teacher Adriana Millie, later moving with her family to Sarmiento, and then to Talagante. At the age of eleven she settled in Santiago. It was while studying at the Normal teacher-training college in the capital that she joined the Communist Party.

Marín married Jorge Muñoz Poutays in 1963, with whom she had two children. She was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1965, and again in 1970, representing a working-class district of Santiago.

Following the 1973 coup d'état, Marín first went underground and then, at the PCCh's insistence, took refuge in the Dutch embassy in Santiago, where she remained for eight months before being allowed to leave the country. Jorge Muñoz disappeared in 1976, while Marín was out of the country, travelling in Costa Rica. She returned to Chile, clandestinely, in 1978 and fought from the underground for the return of democracy.

In 1997, Marín ran for a seat in the Senate and obtained the eighth largest national majority, but was not elected due to the nature of the Chilean electoral system, which favours the two dominant parties or coalitions. She ran for president in 1999 and achieved less that four percent of the vote, mainly due to fear from leftist voters that the right-wing candidate Joaquín Lavín could defeat Socialist Ricardo Lagos.

On January 12, 1998, Marín filed a complaint — the first person in Chile to do so — against Augusto Pinochet, accusing him of genocide, kidnapping, illicit association and illegal inhumation.

Marín died of brain cancer after a long battle which included treatment in Cuba and Sweden. Upon her death the government declared two days of national mourning. In accordance with her wishes, her coffin was exhibited at the former National Congress in Santiago and was viewed by thousands of mourners prior to its cremation. For her funeral the PCCh and her family organized a march through the center of Santiago, where there were between 500,000 and 1 million marchers. An avenue crossing a working class district of Santiago was later renamed after her.

Algunas de las Primeras 40 Medidas del Gobierno Popular:

1. SUPRESION DE LOS SUELDOS FABULOSOS. Limitaremos los altos sueldos de los funcionarios de confianza. Terminaremos con la acumulación de cargos y sueldos. (Consejerías, Directorios, Representaciones). Terminaremos con los gestores administrativos y traficantes políticos.

3. HONESTIDAD ADMINISTRATIVA. Terminaremos con los favoritismos y los saltos de grados en la Administración Pública. Habrá inamovilidad funcionaria. Nadie será perseguido por sus ideas políticas o religiosas; se atenderá a la eficiencia, la honradez y el buen trato con el público de los funcionarios de Gobierno.

4. NO MAS VIAJES FASTUOSOS AL EXTRANJERO. Suprimiremos los viajes al extranjero de los funcionarios del régimen: salvo aquellos indispensables para los intereses del Estado.

6. EL FISCO NO FABRICARA NUEVOS RICOS. Estableceremos un control riguroso de las rentas y patrimonios de los altos funcionarios públicos. E1 gobierno dejará de ser una fábrica de nuevos ricos.

7. JUBILACIONES JUSTAS NO MILLONARIAS. Terminaremos con las jubilaciones millonarias, sean parlamentarias o de cualquier sector público o privado, y utilizaremos esos recursos en mejorar las pensiones más bajas.

9. PREVISION PARA TODOS. Incorporaremos al sistema provisional a los pequeños y medianos comerciantes, industriales y agricultores, trabajadores independientes, artesanos, pescadores, pequeños mineros, pirquineros y dueñas de casa.

10. PAGO INMEDIATO Y TOTAL A LOS JUBILADOS Y PENSIONADOS. Pagaremos de una sola vez los reajustes del personal en retiro de las Fuerzas Armadas, y haremos justicia en el pago de pensionados y montepiadas del Servicio de Seguro Social.

12. IGUALDAD EN LAS ASIGNACIONES FAMILIARES. Nivelaremos en forma igualitaria todas las asignaciones familiares.

13. EL NIÑO NACE PARA SER FELIZ. Daremos matrícula completamente gratuita, libros, cuadernos y útiles escolares sin costo, para todos los niños de la enseñanza básica.

18. CONTROL DEL ALCOHOLISMO. Combatiremos el alcoholismo no por los medios represivos, sino por una vida mejor y erradicaremos el clandestinaje.

19. CASA, LUZ, AGUA POTABLE PARA TODOS. Realizaremos un plan de emergencia para la construcción rápida de vivienda y garantizaremos el suministro de agua por manzana y luz eléctrica.

22. SITIOS ERIAZOS ¡NO! POBLACIONES ¡SI! Destinaremos todos los sitios eriazos fiscales, semifiscales o municipales a la construcción.

23. CONTRIBUCIONES SOLO A LAS MANSIONES. Liberaremos del pago de contribuciones a la casa habitación hasta un máximo de 80 metros cuadrados donde vive permanentemente el propietario y no sea de lujo o de balneario.

24. UNA REFORMA AGRARIA DE VERDAD. Profundizaremos la Reforma Agraria, que beneficiará también a medianos y pequeños agricultores, minifundistas, medieros, empleados y afuerinos. Extenderemos el crédito agrario. Aseguraremos mercado para la totalidad de los productos agropecuarios.

26. MEDICINA GRATUITA EN LOS HOSPITALES. Suprimiremos el pago de todos los medicamentos y exámenes en los hospitales.

27. NO MAS ESTAFA EN LOS PRECIOS DE LOS REMEDIOS. Rebajaremos drásticamente los precios de los medicamentos, reduciendo los derechos e impuestos de internación de las materias primas.

28. BECAS PARA ESTUDIANTES. Estableceremos el derecho a becas en la enseñanza básica, media y universitaria de todos los buenos alumnos, en consideración al rendimiento y a los recursos económicos de sus familias.

29. EDUCACION FISICA. Fomentaremos la educación física y crearemos campos deportivos en las escuelas y todas las poblaciones. Toda escuela y toda población tendrá su cancha. Organizaremos y fomentaremos el turismo popular.

30. UNA NUEVA ECONOMIA PARA PONER FIN A LA INFLACION. Aumentaremos la producción de artículos de consumo popular, controlaremos los precios y detendremos la inflación a través de la aplicación inmediata de la nueva economía.

31. NO MAS AMARRAS CON EL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNACIONAL. Desahuciaremos los compromisos con el Fondo Monetario Internacional y terminaremos con las escandalosas devaluaciones del escudo.

32. NO MAS IMPUESTOS A LOS ALIMENTOS. Terminaremos con las alzas de los impuestos que afectan a los artículos de primera necesidad.

34. FIN A LA ESPECULACION. Sancionaremos drásticamente el delito económico.

36. TRABAJO PARA TODOS. Crearemos de Inmediato nuevas fuentes de trabajo con los planes de obras públicas y viviendas, con la creación de nuevas industrias y con puesta en marcha de los proyectos de desarrollo.

38. FIN A LA JUSTICIA DE CLASE. Crearemos un procedimiento legal rápido y gratuito con la cooperación de las Juntas de Vecinos, para conocer y resolver casos especiales, como pendencias, actos de matonaje, abandono del hogar y atentado contra la tranquilidad de la comunidad.

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¡Chile no es una comida! ^_^ - Political and Cultural (Countries of the World)    -    Author : Rayen Luzanto - Chile

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